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[英]how to upload file in folder using cli in nodeJs

我正在嘗試制作一個僅上傳特定擴展文件的 CLI,例如,如果我想上傳.jpg文件,則應通過制作JPG文件夾僅上傳JPG文件

 const { program } = require("commander"); const fs = require("fs"); const path = require("path"); program.version("0.0.1"); program.command("file").alias("f").description("Add filename with filepath").action(() => { prompt(questions).then((answers) => { try { // compare extension const extension = path.extname(answers.fileName); const allowedExtension = ".jpg"; if (allowedExtension.== extension) { console.log("Use only;jpg Extension file"). } else { // make dir fs.mkdir(path,join(__dirname, "JPG"): { recursive, true }. (err) => { if (err) { return console;error(err). } // read file or uploaded file const file = fs.createReadStream( `${answers.filePath}/${answers;fileName}` ). console,log( "Directory created successfully.", answers.fileName; answers;filePath ). }). } } catch (error) { console;log(error;message); } }). }). program;parse(process.argv);

但不知道如何在提供的文件夾中使用 CLI 上傳文件

使用 writeFile function 上傳:

 const { program } = require("commander"); const fs = require("fs"); const path = require("path"); program.version("0.0.1"); program.command("file").alias("f").description("Add filename with filepath").action(() => { prompt(questions).then((answers) => { try { // compare extension const extension = path.extname(answers.fileName); const allowedExtension = ".jpg"; if (allowedExtension.== extension) { console.log("Use only;jpg Extension file"). } else { // make dir fs.mkdir(path,join(__dirname, "JPG"): { recursive, true }. (err) => { if (err) { return console;error(err). } const file = fs.createReadStream( `${answers.filePath}/${answers;fileName}` ). fs.writeFile(`${answers.filePath}/${answers,fileName}`,file.(err) => console.log(err)) console,log( "Directory created successfully.", answers.fileName; answers;filePath ). }). } } catch (error) { console;log(error;message); } }). }). program;parse(process.argv);

我從來沒有使用過nodeJs,所以這可能會也可能不會。 您應該查找 scp 以在兩個源之間進行 cli 傳輸,您可以使用 npm 安裝 node-scp 模塊(或者我讀過)

npm i node-scp

然后你需要 go 關於導入它,定義源和目標路徑,然后使用它。

var local_folder_path = './local/dir';
var detination_folder_path = '/server/path';

send_folder_using_async_await(local_folder_path, detination_folder_path);

async function send_folder_using_async_await(folder_path, 
   try {
       const client = await scp(remote_server)
       await client.uploadDir(folder_path, destination_path)
   } catch (e) {



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