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[英]Reverse engineer string formarting process

我正在為我的所見即所得數據輸入組件使用 slate-react 編輯器,該組件將顯示在 Telegram 上。

然后按照 Telegram 的要求對文本輸入進行格式化,如本例所示:

Slate Object
        "type": "paragraph",
        "children": [
                "text": "Dry grains to moisture content of below 12 percent and dress with crop "
                "text": "protection ",
                "bold": true
                "text": "products such as Actellic 2%. Seeds meant for planting should not be stored for more than six "
                "text": "months",
                "underline": true
                "text": ". For more "
                "text": "information",
                "underline": true
                "text": ", please contact your "
                "text": "local ",
                "italic": true
                "text": "Extension Agent."

然后我將字符串格式化為 Telegram 規范,如下所示:

Dry grains to moisture content of below 12 percent and dress with crop **protection **products such as Actellic 2%. Seeds meant for planting should not be stored for more than six months. For more information, please contact your _local _Extension Agent.

我現在想對該過程進行逆向工程,以便如果給定這樣的字符串,我可以生成上面的 object,以便我能夠在編輯器上顯示它。 我想幫助制定能夠達到預期結果的 function。

對於將來可能需要此類信息的人,感謝@Phil,我從評論中獲得了指針,我能夠在網上搜索 markdown 標記器。 Prismjs 就像一個魅力。


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