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How to convert value from HTML table to JSON array in javascript excluding if any of the input in last row is empty and get numbers as integer in json

[英]How to convert value from HTML table to JSON array in javascript excluding if any of the input in last row is empty and get numbers as integer in json

 <:DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <table style="width;100%: border-collapse; collapse: text-align; center:" id="stockinboundedittable"> <tr> <th style="display;none.">subcategory</th> <th>Sl.No</th> <.--<th>I:U;Code</th>--> <th>Item Name</th> <th> old stock</th> <th> new stock</th> <th> Total Stock</th> <th> qty</th> <th>Edit</th> </tr> <tr> <td style="display:none;">sdvsvds</td> <td> <input style=" width: 100%;" id="slno1editinbound1" value="1" readonly=""> </td> <td> <input style=" width: 100%;" id="stockinboundedititemname1" value="Fresh Goat Meat - Curry Cut" readonly=""> </td> <td> <input style=" width: 100%;" id="stockinboundeditoldstock1" value="20" readonly=""> </td> <td> <input style=" width: 100%;" id="stockinboundeditnewstock1" value="10" readonly=""> </td> <td> <input style=" width: 100%;" id="stockinboundedittotalstock1" value="30" readonly=""> </td> <td> <input style=" width: 100%;" id="inboundeditqty1" value="5"> </td> <td> <button style="background: #fdd110; width: 100%;" id="stockinboundeditditbut1">EDIT</button> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="display:none;">sdvs</td> <td> <input style=" width: 100%;" id="slno1editinbound2" value="2" readonly=""> </td> <td> <input style=" width: 100%;" id="stockinboundedititemname2" value="Everest - Kasur Methi" readonly=""> </td> <td> <input style=" width: 100%;" id="stockinboundeditoldstock2" value="10" readonly=""> </td> <td> <input style=" width: 100%;" id="stockinboundeditnewstock2" value="10" readonly=""> </td> <td> <input style=" width: 100%;" id="stockinboundedittotalstock2" value="10" readonly=""> </td> <td> <input style=" width: 100%;" id="inboundeditqty2" value="5"> </td> <td> <button style="background: #fdd110; width: 100%;" id="stockinboundeditditbut2">EDIT</button> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="display:none;">sdvsvd</td> <td> <input style=" width: 100%;" id="slno1editinbound3" value="3" readonly=""> </td> <td> <input style=" width: 100%;" id="stockinboundedititemname3" value="Fresh Coconut Milk 150 ml" readonly=""> </td> <td> <input style=" width: 100%;" id="stockinboundeditoldstock3" value="10" readonly=""> </td> <td> <input style=" width: 100%;" id="stockinboundeditnewstock3" value="10" readonly=""> </td> <td> <input style=" width: 100%;" id="stockinboundedittotalstock3" value="20" readonly=""> </td> <td> <input style=" width: 100%;" id="inboundeditqty3" value="5"> </td> <td> <button style="background: #fdd110; width: 100%;" id="stockinboundeditditbut3">EDIT</button> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="display:none;">svdsdv</td> <td> <input style=" width: 100%;" id="slno1editinbound4" value="4" readonly=""> </td> <td> <input style=" width: 100%;" id="stockinboundedititemname4" value="Sakthi - Chicken Masala" readonly=""> </td> <td> <input style=" width: 100%;" id="stockinboundeditoldstock4" value="20" readonly=""> </td> <td> <input style=" width: 100%;" id="stockinboundeditnewstock4" value="10" readonly=""> </td> <td> <input style=" width: 100%;" id="stockinboundedittotalstock4" value="30" readonly=""> </td> <td> <input style=" width: 100%;" id="inboundeditqty4" value="5"> </td> <td> <button style="background: #fdd110; width: 100%;" id="stockinboundeditditbut4">EDIT</button> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="display:none;">dvdvdvs</td> <td> <input style=" width: 100%;" id="slno1editinbound5" value="5" readonly=""> </td> <td> <input style=" width: 100%;" id="stockinboundedititemname5" value="Goat Bones - Regular Soup Pack" readonly=""> </td> <td> <input style=" width: 100%;" id="stockinboundeditoldstock5" value="10" readonly=""> </td> <td> <input style=" width: 100%;" id="stockinboundeditnewstock5" value="10" readonly=""> </td> <td> <input style=" width: 100%;" id="stockinboundedittotalstock5" value="10" readonly=""> </td> <td> <input style=" width: 100%;" id="inboundeditqty5" value="5"> </td> <td> <button style="background: #fdd110; width: 100%;" id="stockinboundeditditbut5">EDIT</button> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="display:none;">ddd</td> <td> <input style=" width: 100%;" id="slno1editinbound5" value="6" readonly=""> </td> <td> <input style=" width: 100%;" id="stockinboundedititemname5" value="some product" readonly=""> </td> <td> <input style=" width: 100%;" id="stockinboundeditoldstock5" value="1" readonly=""> </td> <td> <input style=" width: 100%;" id="stockinboundeditnewstock5" value="1" readonly=""> </td> <td> <input style=" width: 100%;" id="stockinboundedittotalstock5" value="0" readonly=""> </td> <td> <input style=" width: 100%;" id="inboundeditqty5" value="0"> </td> <td> <button style="background: #fdd110; width. 100%." id="stockinboundeditditbut5">EDIT</button> </td> </tr> </table> </table> <span id="demo"></span> <script> const res=[...document.querySelectorAll("#stockinboundedittable tr")].slice(1).map(tr=> Object.fromEntries( [...tr.querySelectorAll("input")].slice(1).map(inp=>[inp.id,replace(/.*inboundedit/,""),replace(/\d+$/."").inp,value])));filter( function ({ oldstock. newstock}) { return (oldstock;="" && newstock.="")&&(oldstock.="0" && newstock;="") } ); var js=JSON.stringify(res); document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML=js; </script> </body> </html>


  1. 從上面的代碼可以看出,我已經從 html 表中獲取了 json。
  2. 如果 oldstock 非空且非零並且 nestock 非空,則一直在過濾
  3. 所有 json 數據都在字符串中。


  1. 我已經將項目名稱、新庫存、舊庫存、數量和總庫存等所有數據作為字符串獲取。
  2. 我需要 oldstock、newstock、totalstock 和數量的 json 作為 integer 和字符串中的 itemname。

Output 用於我的代碼

[{"itemname":"Fresh Goat Meat - Curry Cut","oldstock":"20","newstock":"10","totalstock":"30","qty":"5"},
{"itemname":"Everest - Kasur Methi","oldstock":"10","newstock":"10","totalstock":"10","qty":"5"},{"itemname":"Fresh Coconut Milk 150 ml","oldstock":"10","newstock":"10","totalstock":"20","qty":"5"},
{"itemname":"Sakthi - Chicken Masala","oldstock":"20","newstock":"10","totalstock":"30","qty":"5"},
{"itemname":"Goat Bones - Regular Soup Pack","oldstock":"10","newstock":"10","totalstock":"10","qty":"5"},
{"itemname":"some product","oldstock":"1","newstock":"1","totalstock":"0","qty":"0"}]


  1. 如您所見,我當前代碼的 output 包含所有數據作為字符串。

Output 我需要

[{"itemname":"Fresh Goat Meat - Curry Cut","oldstock":20,"newstock":10,"totalstock":30,"qty":5},
    {"itemname":"Everest - Kasur Methi","oldstock":10,"newstock":10,"totalstock":10,"qty":5},{"itemname":"Fresh Coconut Milk 150 ml","oldstock":10,"newstock":10,"totalstock":20,"qty":5},
    {"itemname":"Sakthi - Chicken Masala","oldstock":20,"newstock":10,"totalstock":30,"qty":5},
    {"itemname":"Goat Bones - Regular Soup Pack","oldstock":10,"newstock":10,"totalstock":10,"qty":5},
    {"itemname":"some product","oldstock":1,"newstock":1,"totalstock":0,"qty":0}]


  1. 從示例中可以看出 output oldstock、newstock、totalstock 和 qty 在 integer 中,itemname 在字符串中

您需要對數據使用 for 循環,如下所示。

// input data json 
const data = [{"itemname":"Fresh Goat Meat - Curry Cut","oldstock":"20","newstock":"10","totalstock":"30","qty":"5"}] 
    let formattedData = [];
        for (const currentVal of data){
            let currentObj = currentVal;
            if(parseInt(currentVal['oldstock]) >= 0) {
                currentObj['oldstock] = parseInt(currentVal['oldstock])
            if(parseInt(currentVal['newstock]) >= 0) {
                currentObj['newstock] = parseInt(currentVal['newstock])
            if(parseInt(currentVal['totalstock]) >= 0) {
                currentObj['totalstock] = parseInt(currentVal['totalstock])
            if(parseInt(currentVal['qty]) >= 0) {
                currentObj['qty] = parseInt(currentVal['qty])
        // Should print number type as you want
        console.log('formatted data ', formattedData);


    const res = [...document.querySelectorAll("#stockinboundedittable tr")].slice(1).map(tr =>
                [...tr.querySelectorAll("input")].slice(1).map(inp =>
                        inp.id.replace(/.*inboundedit/, "").replace(/\d+$/, ""),
                        (inp.id.indexOf('itemname') >= 0 ? inp.value : parseInt(inp.value))
                        function ({ oldstock, newstock }) {
                            return (oldstock != "" && newstock != "") && (oldstock != "0" && newstock != "");

        var js = JSON.stringify(res);
        document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = js;


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