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[英]Loop through array and evaluate expression

我是 JS 新手。 我有以下語法,我需要遍歷數組。

    text: newcol[4],
    action: function (e, dt, node, config) {
      dt.order([[4, "desc"]]).draw();

假設我有一個數組var nOrder = [4,5]; 我希望生成以下語法 - 上面的語法重復兩次(根據數組的長度)並取值 4 和 5。

buttons = [
    text: newcol[4],
    action: function (e, dt, node, config) {
      dt.order([[4, "desc"]]).draw();
    text: newcol[5],
    action: function (e, dt, node, config) {
      dt.order([[5, "desc"]]).draw();

這是你需要的嗎? 我認為您不需要使用 JQuery。

function generateSyntax(array) { // The argument should be an array such as [4, 5]
    var resultSyntax = ""; // Every time you loop through the array, add some syntax here.

    resultSyntax += "buttons = [\n";
    for (var i in array) {
        resultSyntax += `  {
    text: newcol[` + array[i] + `],
    action: function (e, dt, node, config) {
      dt.order([[` + array[i] + `, "desc"]]).draw();
  },\n`; // Add the syntax, with the number in between brackets ("[" and "]")
    resultSyntax += "];"
    return resultSyntax;


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