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VBA 公共 Function “編譯錯誤:預期:列表分隔符或)”

[英]VBA Public Function "Compile Error: Expected: List separator or )"

我正在編寫我的第一個 function 並且我正在為加權平均公式創建一個 function。

當我將它用作子並定義值時,這工作正常,但是在立即 window 中測試 function 時出現此錯誤。




Public Function WeightedAverage(data() As Range, values() As Range, TotalValue As Range) As Double

Dim i As Integer

Dim Sum As Variant

    For i = 1 To UBound(data)
    Sum = Sum + values(i, 1) / TotalValue * data(i, 1)
    Next i
    WA = Sum / UBound(data)
End Function


正如@Skin 提到的,您可以稍微修改您的代碼。 我刪除了參數部分中的括號。 此外,您應該在一個單元格中調用 function 並將每個參數分配給一個單元格/一系列單元格。

變量“WA”未在代碼中的任何位置定義。 這可能會導致您的錯誤。 要從用戶定義的 function (UDF) 獲取返回值,您應該將變量“sum”分配給函數名稱。

Public Function WeightedAverage( _
    data As Range, _
    values As Range, _
    TotalValue As Range _
        ) As Double

    Dim i As Integer
'You need containers for your parameters, which can be more then one cell

    Dim arrData As Variant: arrData = data
    Dim arrValues As Variant: arrValues = values
    Dim Sum As Double
'Both arrays need the same size, optional, I thought that might help a little bit
    If UBound(arrData, 1) <> UBound(arrValues) Then Exit Function

    For i = 1 To UBound(arrData, 1)

    Sum = Sum + arrValues(i, 1) / TotalValue * arrData(i, 1)

    Next i

'Assign the variable "sum" to the functions name

    WeightedAverage = Sum / UBound(arrData, 1)

End Function


  • 無論你在這里做什么,根據這個鏈接,這不是你計算加權平均值的方式(最后一個參數似乎是多余的,在循環中划分是錯誤的)。
  • 如果單元格不包含數值,則提供的鏈接中建議的SUMPRODUCT/SUM公式解決方案將失敗,而以下 function 將忽略(跳過)這些單元格。


Option Explicit

Function WeightedAverage( _
    ByVal ScoreColumnRange As Range, _
    ByVal WeightColumnRange As Range) _
As Double
    ' Compare the number of rows and use the smaller number.
    Dim rCount As Long: rCount = ScoreColumnRange.Rows.Count
    Dim wrCount As Long: wrCount = WeightColumnRange.Rows.Count
    If wrCount < rCount Then rCount = wrCount
    ' Create the references to the column ranges.
    Dim srg As Range: Set srg = ScoreColumnRange.Cells(1).Resize(rCount)
    Dim wrg As Range: Set wrg = WeightColumnRange.Cells(1).Resize(rCount)
    ' Write the values from the column ranges to arrays.
    Dim sData As Variant, wData As Variant
    If rCount = 1 Then
        ReDim sData(1 To 1, 1 To 1): sData(1, 1) = srg.Value
        ReDim wData(1 To 1, 1 To 1): wData(1, 1) = wrg.Value
        sData = srg.Value
        wData = wrg.Value
    End If
    ' Declare additional variables to be used in the For...Next loop.
    Dim sVal As Variant, wVal As Variant ' Current Values
    Dim r As Long ' Rows Counter
    Dim tWeight As Double ' Total Weight
    Dim tProduct As Double ' Total Sum
    ' Calculate the total weights and the total products.
    For r = 1 To UBound(sData, 1)
        sVal = sData(r, 1)
        If IsNumeric(sVal) Then ' prevent invalid score
            wVal = wData(r, 1)
            If IsNumeric(wVal) Then ' prevent invalid weight
                tWeight = tWeight + wVal
                tProduct = tProduct + sVal * wVal
            End If
        End If
    Next r
    If tWeight = 0 Then Exit Function ' all were invalid
    ' Calculate and return the weighted average (the result).
    WeightedAverage = tProduct / tWeight ' maybe you want to round?

End Function


Function WeightedAverage( _
    ByVal DataColumnRange As Range, _
    ByVal ValuesColumnRange As Range, _
    ByVal TotalValue As Double) _
As Double
    ' Compare the number of rows and use the smaller number.
    Dim rCount As Long: rCount = DataColumnRange.Rows.Count
    Dim vrCount As Long: vrCount = ValuesColumnRange.Rows.Count
    If vrCount < rCount Then rCount = vrCount
    ' Create the references to the column ranges.
    Dim drg As Range: Set drg = DataColumnRange.Cells(1).Resize(rCount)
    Dim vrg As Range: Set vrg = ValuesColumnRange.Cells(1).Resize(rCount)
    ' Write the values of the column ranges to arrays.
    Dim dData As Variant, vData As Variant
    If rCount = 1 Then
        ReDim dData(1 To 1, 1 To 1): dData(1, 1) = drg.Value
        ReDim vData(1 To 1, 1 To 1): vData(1, 1) = vrg.Value
        dData = drg.Value
        vData = vrg.Value
    End If
    ' Declare additional variables to be used in the For...Next loop.
    Dim dVal As Variant, vVal As Variant ' Current Values
    Dim r As Long ' Rows Counter
    Dim tCount As Long ' Total Count
    Dim Total As Double ' Total Value
    ' Calculate the Total? (there should be a math term for it)
    For r = 1 To UBound(dData, 1)
        dVal = dData(r, 1)
        If IsNumeric(dVal) Then ' prevent invalid data
            vVal = vData(r, 1)
            If IsNumeric(vVal) Then ' prevent invalid value
                tCount = tCount + 1
                Total = Total + dVal * vVal / TotalValue
            End If
        End If
    Next r
    If tCount = 0 Then Exit Function ' all were invalid
    ' Calculate and return the weighted average (the result).
    WeightedAverage = Total / tCount ' maybe you want to round?

End Function


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