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Python 腳本:json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:預期值:第 1 行第 1 列(字符 0)

[英]Python script: json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)

我分叉了這個repo ,以便將我的話語網站變成 static 之一。 但是,我不斷收到此消息:

json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)


此行很可能會導致問題posts_json = response.json()['post_stream']['posts'] 任何幫助將不勝感激!

# Function that writes out each individual topic page
def write_topic(topic_json):
    topic_download_url = base_url + '/t/' + topic_json['slug'] + '/' + str(topic_json['id'])
    topic_relative_url = 't/' + topic_json['slug'] + '/' + str(topic_json['id'])
    except Exception as err:
        print ('in write_topic error:', 'make directory')
    response = requests.get(topic_download_url + '.json', cookies=jar)
    # posts_json will contain only the first 20 posts in a topic
    posts_json = response.json()['post_stream']['posts']
    # posts_stream will grab all of the post ids for that topic
    posts_stream = response.json()['post_stream']['stream']
    # get rid of first 20 in stream, as they are already in posts_json
    posts_stream = posts_stream[20:]
    # break stream into a list of list chunks of n posts each for lighter requests
    n = 9999999
    chunked_posts_stream = [posts_stream[i * n:(i + 1) * n] for i in range((len(posts_stream) + n - 1) // n)]
    posts_download_url = base_url + '/t/' + str(topic_json['id']) + '/posts.json?'
    # make a request for the content associated with each post id
    # chunk and append it to the posts_json list
    for chunk in chunked_posts_stream:
        formatted_posts_list = ""
        for post_id in chunk:
            formatted_posts_list = formatted_posts_list + 'post_ids[]=' + str(post_id) + '&'
        response = requests.get(posts_download_url + formatted_posts_list, cookies=jar)
        posts_2_json = response.json()['post_stream']['posts']
    # generate that HTML
    post_list_string = ""
    for post_json in posts_json:
        post_list_string = post_list_string + post_row(post_json)
    topic_file_string = topic_template \
        .replace("<!-- TOPIC_TITLE -->", topic_json['fancy_title']) \
        .replace("<!-- JUST_SITE_TITLE -->", str(site_title.text)) \
        .replace("<!-- ARCHIVE_BLURB -->", archive_blurb) \
        .replace("<!-- POST_LIST -->", post_list_string)

    f = open(topic_relative_url + '/index.html', 'w')

可能是您沒有從 get 請求中取回有效的 json。 如果它是 2xx 代碼,您是否檢查過您在此處獲得的狀態代碼? 您還可以添加




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