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在 Playwright 的單個測試中使用多個測試夾具

[英]Using multiple test fixtures in a single test with Playwright

// foo.ts
import { test as base } from "@playwright/test";

const test = base.extend<{foo: string}>({
    foo: "hello"

export { test };
// bar.ts
import { test as base } from "@playwright/test";

const test = base.extend<{bar: string}>({
    bar: "bye"

export { test };
// index.ts
import { test } from /* BOTH_FOO_AND_BAR??? */;

test("Basic test", async ({ foo, bar }) => { // <-- I want to be able to use both foo and bar fixture here

以上能實現嗎? 還是我必須像這樣依賴另一個?

// bar.ts
import { test as base } from "./foo";
// index.ts
import { test } from "./bar";

如果我有很多文件並且導入最后一個文件將導入所有文件,這將創建一個長鏈。 如果可能的話,我更喜歡挑選和匹配。


// fixtures.ts
import { test as base } from "@playwright/test";

const test = base.extend<{
   foo: string;
   bar: string;

    foo: "hello",
    bar: "bye"

export default test;
export const expect = test.expect;


// index.ts
import test, { expect } from "./fixtures";

test("Basic test", async ({ foo, bar }) => { // <-- I want to be able to use both foo and bar fixture here


// fixtures.ts
import { test as base } from "@playwright/test";
import { MainPage } from "./main-page";
import { FirstPage } from "./firstPage";

const test = base.extend<{
   mainPage: MainPage;
   firstPage: FirstPage;

    mainPage: async ({ page, baseUrl }, use) => {  //Assuming your mainPage constructor accepts page fixture and baseUrl
    // Some steps to open mainPage
    await use(mainPage);
    firstPage: async ( {mainPage}, use) => {  //Assuming firstPage constructor accepts page fixture
    //do some steps 
    await use(firstPage);

export default test;
export const expect = test.expect;

然后你可以簡單地只使用第一頁,而不必為主頁編寫步驟,而且 mainPage 或任何其他固定裝置都可以使用。

// index.ts
import test, { expect } from "./fixtures";

test("Basic test", async ({ firstPage }) => { 
  //do steps

劇作家的另一個例子: https://playwright.dev/docs/next/test-fixtures#creating-a-fixture


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