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球在 p5.js 中碰撞后沒有回來

[英]Ball not coming back after colliding in p5.js

var x, y, speed, speed2, speedx, speedy;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(1200, 630);
    x = 50;
    y = 300;

    speed = 20;
    speed2 = 20;

    speedx = createSlider(2, 50, 20);
    speedx.position(1000, 100);
    speedx.style('width', '200px');

    speedy = createSlider(10, 50, 20);
    speedy.position(1000, 150);
    speedy.style('width', '200px');

function draw() {

    x = x + speedx.value();
    y = y + speedy.value();
    if (x > 1170) {
        x = x - speedx.value();
    if (x < 10) {
        x = x + speedx.value();
    if (y > 610) {
        y = y - speedy.value();
    if (y < 15) {
        x = x + speedx.value();
    let color1 = color("black");
    ellipse(x, y, 20);

** 我是 p5.js 的新手並做了這個(我的第一個代碼),但它沒有按我預期的那樣工作


目前,您的代碼不會讓球“回來”,因為雖然它限制了 x 和 y 位置,但它不會改變 x 和 y 速度(所以一旦球到達邊緣,它只會堅持在那里)。 您在邊緣限制邏輯方面也有一些缺陷。

  1. 您的滑塊始終為正,因此球只能向下和向右移動。
  2. 當您根據最小值檢查 y position 時,您修改 x position 而不是 y position。
  3. 當您對照最小值檢查 x position 時,您正在添加速度,但大概發生這種情況時,速度將為負數(即向左移動),所以您仍然想減去。

 var x, y, speedx, speedy; function setup() { // make the canvas cover the window createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight); x = width / 2; y = height / 2; // create slider ranges such that things don't always go down and to the right speedx = createSlider(-10, 10, 2); speedx.position(10, 10); speedx.style("width", "200px"); speedy = createSlider(-10, 10, 2); speedy.position(10, 50); speedy.style("width", "200px"); } function draw() { background("white"); x = x + speedx.value(); y = y + speedy.value(); if (x > width - 10) { x = x - speedx.value(); } if (x < 10) { // presumably the reason we're going off the screen is that speedx is negative. x = x - speedx.value(); } if (y > height - 10) { y = y - speedy.value(); } if (y < 10) { y = y - speedy.value(); } let color1 = color("black"); fill(color1); ellipse(x, y, 20); }
 html, body {margin:0}
 <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/p5.js/1.4.0/p5.js"></script>

你可以這樣做(訪問 codecademy 了解詳情: https://www.codecademy.com/courses/learn-p5js/lessons/p5js-animation

     speedx *= -1



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