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[英]how to pass local variables when assigning mouseover via anonymous function?

我有一個運行onload的設置函數,以向元素添加一些行為。 setup函數將參數傳遞給mouseover事件,但這些參數在for循環期間被更改,因為它們是本地引用。

function setupAreas( image, map, lots ) {
    // obj is a simple wrapper for doc.getElementById
    var image = obj(image); // image for imagemap
    var map = obj(map); // imagemap element

    var areas = map.getElementsByTagName('area');
    for (var i in areas) {
        var area = areas[i]; // imagemap area element
        area.id = area.alt;

    for (var lot_id in lots) {
        if (lot_id != 'Lot No' && lot_id != '') {
            var area = document.getElementById(lot_id);
            if (!area || !area.coords) {
                alert('no map coords for lot '+lot_id);
            } else {
                var coords = area.coords.split(",");
                //alert('tag: '+area.tagName+' id: '+lot_id+' area: '+area);
                var details = lots[lot_id];
                if (details) {
                    // setup mouseover call with complete details of area
                    area.onmouseover = function(){ showLot(lot_id, area, coords, details, image, map, areas, lots) };
... snip ...

問題是因為for循環,每次迭代都會更改引用lot_idarea 結果是任何元素的mouseover事件只給出了最后一個區域lot_id和區域。

我不想或不需要jQuery。 一個不污染全局命名空間的簡單JS解決方案是首選。


for (var lot_id in lots) {
        //contents of for loop - use lid instead of lot_id    



    area.onmouseover = function(){ showLot(lid, area, coords, details, image, map, areas, lots) };


您需要在函數周圍創建一個閉包。 這樣的事情可能會有所幫助:

function makeShowLot(lot_id, area, coords, details, image, map, areas, lots) {
  return function () { 
      showLot(lot_id, area, coords, details, image, map, areas, lots);


area.onmouseover = makeShowLot(lot_id, area, coords, details, image, map, areas, lots);

makeShowLot是一個返回函數的函數。 返回的函數不帶參數; showLot所需的所有參數都包含在此匿名函數中。

正如你因為關閉而正確觀察到的那樣,'lot_id'被捕獲並且對於所有鼠標懸停事件都是相同的。 修復問題很簡單,在分配onmouseover之前,將lot_id存儲在另一個本地var中,比如lotIdForMouseOver,並將其傳遞給mouseover函數。 新的本地var將在C#中工作,而不是在JavaScript中。 在工作中,我做了很多C#,因此混亂!


另外,如果你'反''你的'if'檢查,你可以擺脫嵌套的ifs。 恕我直言,嵌套如果很難遵循。


function setupAreas(image, map, lots)
    // existing code

    for(var lot_id in lots)
        if(lot_id == 'Lot No' || lot_id == '')

        var area = document.getElementById(lot_id);

        if(!area || ! area.coords)
            alert('no maps for coords for lot ' + lot_id);

        var coords = area.coords.split(",");
        var details = lots[lot_id];

        if(! details)

        //makeMouseOver function takes 'n' arguments and returns a function which
        //will call showLot with those same 'n' arguments.

        //This is the same suggestion as pkaeding, only that I have exploited 'arguments'
        //property to make it simpler. 
        var makeMouseOver = function()
            var creationArgs = arguments;
            return function() { showLot.apply(null, creationArgs); };

        area.onmouseover = makeMouseOver(lot_id, area, coords, details, image, map, area, lots);

        // more code.


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