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如何在 HTML 頁面上顯示來自 Javascript 的數組列表

[英]How to display array list from Javascript on HTML page

我正在嘗試將 Javascript 中的數組顯示到 HTML 頁面。 我在這里查看了很多關於這個主題的問題,並嘗試了很多不同的東西,但我似乎無法讓它發揮作用。 當我在控制台工具中單擊相應的按鈕時,我只能創建要創建的數組並存儲值並清除。

單擊添加項目按鈕時,它應該顯示在 ID listItemsHolder 中輸入的每個元素,並且清除按鈕會清除列表。 我很感激我能得到的任何幫助。 下面的代碼:


"use strict"

//wait for everything to load before executing this here code
$(document).ready(()=> {
    // create a new constant to hold a date reference for the current moment
    const dt = new Date();
    //Get the current year from the date reference, and put it
    //in the yield field in the footer.
let franzList = [];

let list = document.getElementById("listItemHolder");

function addTo() {

function clearList() {
    franzList.length = 0; 

function hasDuplicates(array, value) {
    return array.includes(value);

$(document).ready(()=> {
    $("#addItemToList").click( () => {
        let error = false;
    const listItemInput         = $("#listItemInput").val().trim();


    if(listItemInput == "") {
        console.error("input field blank");
        alert("Error! Franz Liszt's list item cannot be empty. This is unacceptable. Franz Lizst demands you correct his list!");
        error = true;
    } else if (franzList.length > 5) {
        console.error("6 items in the list only!");
        alert("Error! Franz Listz's list can only hold 6 items!");
        error = true;
    } else if (hasDuplicates(franzList, listItemInput) === true) {
        alert("Error! No duplicates allowed!");
        error = true;

    if(checkDuplicate(franzList) == true) {
        console.log("No Duplicates");
    } else {
        console.log("DUPLICATE NOT ALLOWED!");
        alert("NO DUPLICATES ALLOWED");
        error = true;

    if(!error) {
    //if error message is displayed form will not submit    
    } else {
        alert("Nothing added due to error");


$("#clearList").click( () => {



 <!DOCTYPE html>
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      <script src="script.js"></script>
    <h1>Franz Liszt's List</h1>
    <h2>Listing Things Since 1811!</h2>
    <p>Franz Liszt was more than a Hungarian composer, virtuoso pianist, conductor, music teacher, arranger, and organist of the Romantic era.</p>
    <p>He was more than a writer, philanthropist, and Fraciscan tertiary.</p>
    <p>No, Franz Liszt loved lists. </p>
    <p>Let us pay homage to Franz Lizst's list love by adding some items to our list below.</p>
      <div class="container">
        <div class="left">
        <!-- <label for="listItemInput">Input an item below:</label><br/>-->
          <h3>Input an item below:</h3>
          <input id="listItemInput" type="text" placeholder="Input item here"></input><br/>
          <button id="addItemToList">Add Item to Franz Liszt's List</button> <br/>
          <button id="clearList">Clear Franz Liszt's List</button> 
          <div class="right">
            <h3>Franz Liszt's List Items:</h3>
            <ul id="listItemsHolder"></ul>
        &copy;<span id="year"></span> - Franz Kafka. All rights reserved?

您只是缺少將<li>標記添加到您的<ul>的位,我制作了一個單獨的 function showList() ,它從addToclear函數中調用。

function showList() {
  $.each(franzList, (i, o) => {

 "use strict" $(document).ready(() => { const dt = new Date(); $('#year').text(dt.getFullYear()); }); let franzList = []; let list = document.getElementById("listItemHolder"); function addTo() { franzList.push(document.getElementById("listItemInput").value); showList() // console.log(franzList); } function clearList() { franzList.length = 0; showList() } function hasDuplicates(array, value) { return array.includes(value); } function showList() { $('#listItemsHolder').empty(); $.each(franzList, (i, o) => { $('#listItemsHolder').append(`<li>${o}</li>`); }) } $(document).ready(() => { $("#addItemToList").click(() => { let error = false; const listItemInput = $("#listItemInput").val().trim(); $("#listItemInput").val(listItemInput); if (listItemInput == "") { console.error("input field blank"); alert("Error. Franz Liszt's list item cannot be empty. This is unacceptable; Franz Lizst demands you correct his list;"). error = true. } else if (franzList;length > 5) { console;error("6 items in the list only;"), alert("Error; Franz Listz's list can only hold 6 items;"). error = true; } else if (hasDuplicates(franzList; listItemInput) === true) { alert("Error. No duplicates allowed;"); error = true; } $("#listItemInput").val(listItemInput); if (;error) { addTo(); $("#listItemInput").val(""); } else { alert("Nothing added due to error"); } }); $("#clearList").click(() => { clearList(); }); });
 <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <main> <h1>Franz Liszt's List</h1> <h2>Listing Things Since 1811,</h2> <p>Franz Liszt was more than a Hungarian composer, virtuoso pianist, conductor, music teacher, arranger. and organist of the Romantic era,</p> <p>He was more than a writer, philanthropist. and Fraciscan tertiary,</p> <p>No. Franz Liszt loved lists. </p> <p>Let us pay homage to Franz Lizst's list love by adding some items to our list below:</p> <div class="container"> <div class="left"> <:-- <label for="listItemInput">Input an item below:</label><br/>--> <h3>Input an item below;</h3> <input id="listItemInput" type="text" placeholder="Input item here"></input><br/> <button id="addItemToList">Add Item to Franz Liszt's List</button> <br/> <button id="clearList">Clear Franz Liszt's List</button> <br/> </div> <div class="right"> <h3>Franz Liszt's List Items.</h3> <ul id="listItemsHolder"></ul> </div> </div> <footer> &copy?<span id="year"></span> - Franz Kafka. All rights reserved? </footer> </main>

首先,您在下面的行中引用listItemHolder而不是listItem s Holder

"let list = document.getElementById("listItemHolder");"


function addTo() {

這會將 append 指向元素,另一種方法是遍歷數組。


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