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如何將 std::string 分配給 std::basic_string<unsigned short int, traits_class> Linux 上的 (Unicode2String)</unsigned>

[英]How to assign a std::string to std::basic_string<unsigned short int, TRAITS_CLASS>(Unicode2String) on Linux

我正在研究 Linux 系統,我認為標准 Linux std::string支持 Unicode 和 ASCII 字符。 所以,我想在我的代碼中使用std::string ,但我從應用程序接收格式為std::basic_string<unsigned short int, TRAIT_CLASS>的字符串(同時支持 Windows 和 Linux)。 TRAITS_CLASS如下:

        typedef unsigned short char_type;
        typedef unsigned short int_type;
        typedef size_t pos_type;
        typedef size_t off_type;
        typedef int state_type;

        static inline void assign(unsigned short &dest, const unsigned short &src)
            dest = src;

        static inline bool eq(const unsigned short &left, const unsigned short &right)
            return left == right;

        static inline bool lt(const unsigned short &left, const unsigned short &right)
            return left < right;

        static int compare(const unsigned short *p1, const unsigned short *p2, size_t count)
            for (; 0 < count; --count, ++p1, ++p2)
                if (!eq(*p1, *p2))
                    return lt(*p1, *p2) ? -1 : 1;
            return 0;

        static size_t length(const unsigned short *p)
            size_t count = 0;
            while (*p++)
            return count;

        static unsigned short* copy(unsigned short *p1, const unsigned short *p2, size_t count)
            unsigned short *res = p1;
            for (; 0 < count; --count, ++p1, ++p2)
                assign(*p1, *p2);
            return res;

        static const unsigned short* find(const unsigned short *p, size_t count,
                const unsigned short &value)
            for (; 0 < count; --count, ++p)
                if (eq(*p, value))
                    return p;
            return 0;

        static unsigned short* move(unsigned short *dest, const unsigned short *src, size_t count)
            unsigned short *res = dest;
            if ((src < dest) && (dest < src + count))
                for (dest += count, src += count; 0 < count; --count)
                    assign(*--dest, *--src);
                for (; 0 < count; --count, ++dest, ++src)
                    assign(*dest, *src);
            return res;

        static unsigned short* assign(unsigned short *dest, size_t count, unsigned short value)
            unsigned short *res = dest;
            for (; 0 < count; --count, ++dest)
                assign(*dest, value);
            return res;

        static inline unsigned short to_char_type(const int_type &arg)
            return static_cast<unsigned short>(arg);

        static inline int_type to_int_type(const unsigned short &value)
            return static_cast<int_type>(value);

        static inline bool eq_int_type(const int_type &left, const int_type &right)
            return left == right;

        static inline int_type eof()
            return static_cast<int_type>(EOF);

        static inline int_type not_eof(const int_type &value)
            return value != eof() ? value : 1;

如何將普通的std::string分配給上述std::basic_string模板? 喜歡:

basic_string<unsigned short int, TRAIT_ClASS> temp = u"string";


我認為標准 Linux std::string 支持 Unicode 和 ASCII 字符

std::string (又名std::basic_string<char> )沒有 Unicode 或 ASCII 的概念,它只知道char元素,僅此而已。 You might be confused by the fact that Linux apps typically use UTF-8 strings, and UTF-8 can be stored in a std::string (or preferably in std::u8string aka std:::basic_string<char8_t> in C++20). 但是將此類責任分配給std::string的任何用法是您的代碼的工作。


您不能直接std::string分配給/從另一個std::basic_string<CharT> ,其中CharT是與char不同的字符類型。

假設數據是兼容的,您將不得不使用類型轉換來解決這個問題 - 在您的示例中並非如此! char大小為 1 個字節,但unsigned short int大小為 2 個字節。 因此,您的其他應用程序的basic_string最有可能使用 UCS-2/UTF-16,您不能將其存儲在std::string中(好吧,無論如何,不是您想要的方式),但您可以存儲在std::u16string (又名std::basic_string<char16_t> ),或在 Windows 上的std::wstring (又名std::basic_string<wchar_t> )中,例如:

std::basic_string<unsigned short int, TRAITS_CLASS> temp =
    reinterpret_cast<const unsigned short int*>(u"string");

// or:
std::basic_string<unsigned short int, TRAITS_CLASS> temp(
    reinterpret_cast<const unsigned short int*>(u"string"),
std::u16string str = u"string";

std::basic_string<unsigned short int, TRAITS_CLASS> temp =
    reinterpret_cast<const unsigned short int*>(str.c_str());

// or:
std::basic_string<unsigned short int, TRAITS_CLASS> temp(
    reinterpret_cast<const unsigned short int*>(str.c_str()),
std::basic_string<unsigned short int, TRAITS_CLASS> temp = ...;

std::u16string str =
    reinterpret_cast<const char16_t*>(temp.c_str());

// or:
std::u16string str(
    reinterpret_cast<const char16_t*>(temp.c_str()),

如果您絕對需要在代碼中使用std::string ,那么您必須在UTF-8 (或您想要的任何其他char兼容字符集)和其他應用程序的 16 位格式(假設 UCS-2/UTF-16)之間進行轉換,例如使用std::wstring_convert或第三方 Unicode 庫,如 libiconv、ICU 等。


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