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[英]Why am I getting different results on a subquery and query?

我有下表' client_ticket_thread ':

create table client_ticket_thread
    id                bigint unsigned auto_increment
        primary key,
    client            bigint unsigned                       not null,
    category          varchar(255) collate utf8mb4_bin      not null,
    subject           varchar(512) collate utf8mb4_bin      not null,
    message_count     int unsigned default 0                not null,
    client_read       bit          default b'1'             not null,
    closed            bit          default b'0'             not null,
    time_created      int unsigned default unix_timestamp() not null,
    time_last_message int unsigned default 0                not null,
    time_closed       int unsigned default 0                not null,
    constraint client_ticket_thread_client_credential_id_fk
        foreign key (client) references client_credential (id)


7,1,General Inquiry,Thread X,1,true,false,1641790706,1641790707,0


select (select ctt.closed from client_ticket_thread ctt where ctt.id=7 and ctt.client=1 limit 1) as thread_active;



select closed as thread_active from client_ticket_thread where id=7 and client=1 limit 1;

當我嘗試檢索不同的字段時,例如subject ,我得到了正確的結果。 什么可能導致此錯誤?

注意:我正在使用 MariaDB 10.7.1

問題是您使用的是位字段。 由於這似乎是一個標志,我建議您將其更改為 boolean。 當使用 boolean 時,它在每種情況下都按預期返回 0/false。

這是一個dbfiddle.uk ,顯示了我的意思。

create table client_ticket_thread
    id                bigint unsigned auto_increment
        primary key,
    client            bigint unsigned                       not null,
    category          varchar(255) collate utf8mb4_bin      not null,
    subject           varchar(512) collate utf8mb4_bin      not null,
    message_count     int unsigned default 0                not null,
    client_read       bit          default b'1'             not null,
    closed            bit          default b'0'             not null,
    client_read_bool boolean default true not null,
    closed_bool boolean default false not null,
    time_created      int unsigned default unix_timestamp() not null,
    time_last_message int unsigned default 0                not null,
    time_closed       int unsigned default 0                not null

insert into client_ticket_thread
(7,1,'General Inquiry','Thread X',1,1,0,true,false,1641790706,1641790707,0)

select (
select closed_bool
from client_ticket_thread ctt 
where ctt.id=7 
and ctt.client=1 
) as thread_active;

我發現位字段實際上從子查詢返回了 48 的值,我想在你的情況下它被轉換為“真”,而沒有子查詢則為 0。 我不知道為什么它會返回 48。

在這里通讀了 bit 數據類型的文檔。

位以二進制形式返回,因此要顯示它們,要么加 0,要么使用 function(例如 HEX、OCT 或 BIN)來轉換它們。

因此,您可以首先使用 boolean,也可以使用SELECT (SELECT closed+0 FROM...


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