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映射類型:根據同一個 object 的數組是否包含字符串字面量,使屬性成為必需

[英]Mapped types: Make property required based on whether array of same object contains string literal

是否可以根據相同 object 的數組是否包含字符串文字來制作 object 屬性?

type Operator = "A" |  "B"
type SomeStruct = {
    operators: Operator[];
    someProp: string; // this should be required if operators include "A", optional if not

// desired result
const structWithA: SomeStruct = {
  operators: ["A", "B"],
  someProp: "" // correct, since operators contains "A", someProp is required

const structWithB: SomeStruct = {
  operators: ["B"],
  // currently errors, but desired outcome is that it should not error, since operators does not contain "A"

declare const structs: SomeStruct[];

structs.map(struct => {
  if(struct.operators.includes("A")) {
    // someProp is safely accessible

  // since .includes has a narrow type signature, maybe another way to safely access someProp is needed 

通過使用標識 function 來創建結構(以及區分其類型的謂詞),您可以完成此操作:


type A = 'A';
type B = 'B';
type Operator = A | B;

type SomeStruct<T extends readonly Operator[]> = { operators: T; } & (
  T extends readonly A[] ?
    Record<'someProp', string>
    : unknown

function craeteStruct <O extends readonly Operator[], T extends SomeStruct<O>>(struct: T): T {
  return struct;

const structWithA = craeteStruct({
  operators: ["A", "B"],
  someProp: "",

const structWithB = craeteStruct({
  operators: ["B"],

declare const structs: (SomeStruct<Operator[]>)[];

function includesA (struct: SomeStruct<Operator[]>): struct is SomeStruct<A[]> {
  return struct.operators.includes('A');

structs.map(struct => {
  if(includesA(struct)) {
    struct.someProp; // string


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