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如果它在一個帶邊距的主 div 中,則制作一個寬度為 100vw 的 div

[英]If it's in a main div with margin, make a div with a width of 100vw

我正在嘗試制作一個寬度為 100vw 的 div 以覆蓋所有查看區域,但是,它出現在一個帶有邊距的 div 中,所以我遇到了麻煩。

我還在下面包含了一個圖片鏈接,以幫助您理解。 為了進一步理解,請考慮下圖。


 * { margin: 0%; padding: 0%; } body { background: black; margin: 2rem 6rem; color: white; } /* About Section */.about { display: block; background-color: #2e3038; margin-left: -6rem; margin-right: 6rem; }
 <body> <div class="about"> <div id="col1"> <h3>A co-founder at one of the world's largest communities. </h3> <p> The combined experience I have working at the top Fortune 500 companies has allowed me to develop a skill set that helps me in not just development but in every aspect of any business. <br> I'm proud to announce that I am now working at one of the world's largest communities teaching young minds about how to sell themselves as a developer and open them to a whole new world of opportunities. </p> </div> <div id="col2"> <p>As a developer, you have everything available to you and all that's holding you back is yourself. <br> A quote I live by perfectly illustrates what I mean. <br> "How big would you dream, if you knew you wouldn't fail?" You've already gone through the hardest parts of being a developer, it's time to elevate your skills and become a leader in something you're passionate about. <br> I'm happy to chat over coffee some time about how I can help your company.</p> </div> </div> </body>

如您所見,我嘗試使用 margin-right,但是它不起作用。

我無法使用檢查元素,因為我試圖復制的設計是 png 格式。

你很接近 - 你剛剛為margin-right指定了錯誤的方向:

 * { margin: 0%; padding: 0%; } body { background: black; margin: 2rem 6rem; color: white; }.about { background-color: #2e3038; margin-left: -6rem; margin-right: -6rem; }
 <body> <div class="about"> <div id="col1"> <h3>A co-founder at one of the world's largest communities. </h3> <p> The combined experience I have working at the top Fortune 500 companies has allowed me to develop a skill set that helps me in not just development but in every aspect of any business. <br> I'm proud to announce that I am now working at one of the world's largest communities teaching young minds about how to sell themselves as a developer and open them to a whole new world of opportunities. </p> </div> <div id="col2"> <p>As a developer, you have everything available to you and all that's holding you back is yourself. <br> A quote I live by perfectly illustrates what I mean. <br> "How big would you dream, if you knew you wouldn't fail?" You've already gone through the hardest parts of being a developer, it's time to elevate your skills and become a leader in something you're passionate about. <br> I'm happy to chat over coffee some time about how I can help your company.</p> </div> </div> </body>

有限寬度父母中的全寬容器 | CSS 技巧


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