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在無頭模式下測試嵌套 iframe 時出現賽普拉斯錯誤 - 競爭條件

[英]Cypress error when testing nested iframes in headless mode - race condition

我正在測試一個 Web 應用程序,並且測試在有頭模式 ( cypress open ) 下可靠地運行,但在無頭模式 ( cypress run ) 下有錯誤,所以這可能是我無法解決的競爭條件。 錯誤信息是:

[36819:0223/163815.745047:ERROR:system_services.cc(34)] SetApplicationIsDaemon: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-50 "paramErr: error in user parameter list" (-50)


-  Started processing:  Compressing to 32 CRF                                                     
2022-02-23 17:00:19.700 Cypress Helper[37571:416134] In -[NSApplication(NSQuietSafeQuit) _updateCanQuitQuietlyAndSafely], _LSSetApplicationInformationItem(NSCanQuitQuietlyAndSafely) returned error -50
-  Finished processing: /Users/malte.wirz/Documents/iframes-cypress-issue/cypress/videos/iframe-github.js.mp4     (3 seconds)

我在這里創建了一個演示存儲庫。 要復制,克隆它,運行yarn安裝,然后yarn cypress:run 測試確實通過了,但出現了上述錯誤。

我假設錯誤源於訪問嵌套的 iframe,到目前為止我測試了 5 種不同的方法,但無濟於事。 我特別確保函數getIframeBody等到每個 iframe 和請求的元素准備好。 該錯誤還會創建一個視頻,但您只能看到成功運行,錯誤消息在那里不可見。


describe('Testing Iframe within Iframes', () => {
    it('Visits the iframe website and accesses the iframe within the iframe', () => {
      const getIframeBody = (iframeSelector, elementSelectorInIframe) => {
        return cy
        .its('0.contentDocument.body', {timeout: 30000})
        .should((body) => {

      // Visiting the page index.html and getting iframe A
      cy.visit('index.html').contains('XHR in iframe')
      getIframeBody('iframe[data-cy="bankid"]', 'iframe[src="https://tools.bankid.no/bankid-test/auth"]').as('iframeA')

      cy.get('@iframeA').within(() => {
        getIframeBody('iframe[src="https://tools.bankid.no/bankid-test/auth"]', 'iframe[src^="https://csfe.bankid.no/CentralServerFEJS"]').as('iframeB')

        cy.get('@iframeB').within(() => {
          getIframeBody('iframe[src^="https://csfe.bankid.no/CentralServerFEJS"]', 'input[type="tel"]').as('iframeC')

          // Now we are in the right place and it finds the correct input element.
          // However, normal cypress command .type() fails and we have to use library cypress-real-events,
          // which provides an event firing system that works literally like in puppeteer

          // But for the button below, this library now doesn't help anymore:
          // "Failed to execute 'getComputedStyle' on 'Window': parameter 1 is not of type 'Element'."
          // This was solved by using {scrollBehavior:false}.



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