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Flutter 如何將這個BLoC舊版本代碼遷移到Bloc新版本

[英]Flutter how to migrate this BLoC old version code to Bloc new version

我必須如何在 bloc v.8 中編寫此代碼 我不知道我如何看到一些搜索但我不明白這是我的類代碼他們給我錯誤 => StateError (Bad state: add(DoFetchEvent) was called without a registered事件處理程序。確保通過 on((event, emit) {...}) 注冊一個處理程序:

 class PostBloc extends Bloc<PostEvent, PostState> {
           PostRepository repo;

        PostBloc(PostState initialState, this.repo) : super(initialState);

      Stream<PostState> mapEventToState(PostEvent event) async* {
           if (event is DoFetchEvent) {
         yield LoadingState();
       try {
      var posts = await repo.fetchPosts();
       yield FetchSuccess(posts: posts);
     } catch (e) {
    yield ErrorState(message: e.toString());

import 'package:equatable/equatable.dart';

 class PostEvent extends Equatable {
 List<Object?> get props => [];

class DoFetchEvent extends PostEvent {}

   class PostState extends Equatable {
      List<Object?> get props => [];

     class InitialState extends PostState {}

     class LoadingState extends PostState {}

       class FetchSuccess extends PostState {
             List<PostModel> posts;

            FetchSuccess({required this.posts});

         class ErrorState extends PostState {
         String message;
      ErrorState({required this.message});

   void main() {
  home: BlocProvider(
  create: (context) => PostBloc(InitialState(), PostRepository()),
     child: MyApp(),

您可以直接在super構造函數中設置InitialState ,而無需像這樣手動傳遞它。

 PostBloc(this.repo) : super(InitialState()) {

然后你不再在 BlocProvider 中傳入任何BlocProvider

          create: (BuildContext context) => PostBloc(PostRepository()),

然后,您的mapEventToState被替換為采用相關event的方法,以及一個Emitter<PostState>為 arguments。然后yield在該方法中被替換為emit

你的整個 class 看起來像這樣。

  PostBloc(this.repo) : super(InitialState()) {

    DoFetchEvent event,
    Emitter<PostState> emit,
  ) async {
    try {
      var posts = await repo.fetchPosts();
      emit(FetchSuccess(posts: posts));
    } catch (e) {
      emit(ErrorState(message: e.toString()));


除此之外,您可能會在 state 類上收到關於must_be_immutable的 linter 警告,因為PostState擴展Equatable

因此,我建議將所有PostState參數設為final參數,並將 Equatable 中的props覆蓋添加到您的Equatable類中。

class ErrorState extends PostState {
  final String message;
  ErrorState({required this.message});

  List<Object?> get props => [message];


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