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想要顯示使用 react-native-audio-recorder-player 錄制的音頻的秒數

[英]want to show the number of the seconds of audio recorded by using react-native-audio-recorder-player

我試圖顯示開始錄制時的秒數,但在開始錄制后我正在更新 state 但這在單擊停止按鈕后不起作用 state 也被更新 ZC1C425268E68385D1AB5074C17A9 正在停止錄制但沒有停止。

我嘗試了所有可能的事情,但沒有任何幫助。 這是我的代碼

import React from 'react';
import { View, TouchableOpacity, Text} from 'react-native';
import AudioRecorderPlayer from 'react-native-audio-recorder-player';
const [rectime, setrectime] = useState(0)

export default function ChatScreen({ navigation, user, route }) {

const audioRecorderPlayer = new AudioRecorderPlayer();
const dirs = RNFetchBlob.fs.dirs;
const path = Platform.select({
      ios: 'hello.m4a',
      android: `${dirs.CacheDir}/hello.mp3`,

const onStartRecord = async () => {

await audioRecorderPlayer.startRecorder(path);
audioRecorderPlayer.addRecordBackListener(e => {
  console.log('Recording . . . ', e);
   setrectime(e.currentPosition / 1000)


const onStopRecord = async () => {

const audio = await audioRecorderPlayer.stopRecorder().then(() => {

   return (() => {


      <View style={[styles.footer]}>
      <TouchableOpacity activeOpacity={0.5} onPress={() => onStartRecord()} style= 
        <Ionicons name={'mic-circle-outline'} size={24} color={'#000'} />
      <TouchableOpacity activeOpacity={0.5} onPress={() => onStopRecord()} style= 
        <Ionicons name={'mic-circle-outline'} size={24} color={'#efc100'} />

        rectime > 0
          <View style={styles.rectime}>
            <Text style={{ fontSize: 15 }}>{rectime.toFixed(0)}</Text>
            <TouchableOpacity activeOpacity={0.5} onPress={handleVideoPicker} style= 
              <Ionicons name={'videocam-outline'} size={24} color={'black'} />
            <TouchableOpacity style={styles.btnSendd} activeOpacity={0.5} onPress= 
              <Ionicons name={'camera-outline'} size={24} color={'black'} />



請嘗試在 function 組件之外定義您的 audioRecorderPlayer object 創建。 喜歡

const audioRecorderPlayer = new AudioRecorderPlayer();
export default function ChatScreen({ navigation, user, route }) {



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