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AWS lambda 不發送返回到 SNS

[英]AWS lambda does not send return to SNS

我嘗試在 lambda function 完成后向 SNS 主題發送消息。

為此,我從 lambda 處理程序 function 返回消息 (python)。

Lambda 執行無誤並正確返回消息。 IAM 設置為允許 lambda 發布到特定的 SNS 主題。

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "None",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "arn:aws:sns:eu-central-1:123456789012:TOPIC"

lambda 的簡化代碼是:

#import packages

def handler(event, context) -> dict:
    lambda handler function for invoking session

    param event: json/dict like key:val mapping for regular lambda invocations with custom topics (e.g. different data pipeline stage, different customers etc.)
    param context: AWS logging

    return: dict like key:val mapping to deliver custom topics to AWS Service invocations

    #-----# key:val mapping #-----#
    Message = event["Records"][0]["Sns"]["Message"]
    Message = Message.replace("'", "\"")
    Message = json.loads(Message)

    #does lot's of stuff here
    #eg. getting data from S3, posting data to S3
    #send topic to SNS is NOT used, since it should be configured by the general lambda settings as endpoint destination.

    # -----# update key:val mapping #-----#
    event = {
        "timestamp": timestamp

    return event

還有什么事要做嗎? 因為在檢查 cloudwatch 日志后,沒有消息到達 SNS。

解決方案:使用Test進行測試,但調用lambda function不是異步的。 因此,錯誤在於調用的種類。


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