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使用 useSWR 獲取數據錯誤,reactjs,nextjs

[英]Fetching data error with useSWR, reactjs, nextjs

我想從后端獲取數據。 我使用 useSWR。 在 function getDataUseSWR 是兩個錯誤。 在“fetch(url).then”行錯誤:1:“預期為 0 arguments,但得到了 1。”;
2:“屬性‘then’在類型‘(input: RequestInfo, init?: RequestInit | undefined) => Promise’上不存在。”;

當我嘗試使用 useSWR 在 AlfaComponent 中獲取時,它起作用了,但是當我將它分成兩個文件時,它就不起作用了。

文檔:使用 useSWR 獲取數據

import useSWR from 'swr'

export async function getDataUseSWR (urlInput: string): Promise<any> {
  const fetcher = (url) => fetch(url).then((res) => res.json());      // <- here are errors, at 'fetch(url).then' errors: 
                                                                      // 1:"Expected 0 arguments, but got 1.";  
                                                                      // 2: "Property 'then' does not exist on type '(input: RequestInfo, init?: RequestInit | undefined) => Promise<Response>'."

  let { data, error } = useSWR(`${urlInput}`, fetcher)
  if (data.ok) {
    return data
  } else {
    return error

使用 fetch() 的代碼:

import React, { useState } from 'react';
import type { NextPage } from 'next'
import { useRouter } from 'next/router';
import { getDataUseSWR } from "../requests/ser";

type Props = {}

const AlfaComponent: NextPage = (props: Props) => {

  const [data, setData] = useState();

  const getData = async () => {
    const response = await getDataUseSWR('http://localhost:5000/data/export')

  return (
      <div />

export default AlfaComponent;

useSWR 是一個鈎子。 您正在嘗試在等待 function 中運行掛鈎。您應該在/lib文件夾中創建一個 class 並調用此 class 以在客戶端獲取數據

示例 class:

export class GeneralFunctions {

    static async getDataUseSWR (urlInput: string): Promise<any> {
    //your body of class function
    // do not use hooks here

比你可以叫你 function,像:

const response = await GeneralFunctions.getDataUseSWR('http://localhost:5000/data/export')


//don't need absolute path on client side
// you should call your api endpoint
const {data: incomingData, error: incomingError) = useSWR('/data/export')

if (incomingData){
 return <div>ok!</div>
if (incomingError){
 return <div>error produced</div>

return <div>Loading...</div>

useSWR 類似於 useEffect hook



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