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如何在 x11 中停止執行正在運行的代碼

[英]How to stop the execution of a running code in x11

我有一個程序在 x11 window 上繪制,我想在按下任意鍵后立即退出它。

使用我擁有的代碼,在for循環完成 window 上的繪制(從左向右移動紅色橢圓形)之前,我無法通過按鍵停止程序。 我想在按下一個鍵后立即退出for循環,而不管繪圖的 state(完成與否),即使for循環尚未完成其部分執行也是如此。

#include <stdio.h>
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/Xutil.h>
#include <unistd.h>

Display *dis;
Window win;

unsigned long GetColor(char *color_name)
  Colormap cmap;
  XColor near_color, true_color;
  cmap = DefaultColormap(dis, 0);
  XAllocNamedColor(dis, cmap, color_name, &near_color, &true_color);

int main(int argc, char **argv)
  if ((dis = XOpenDisplay(NULL)) == NULL) { printf("Error XOpenDisplay\n"); return 1; }

  win = XCreateSimpleWindow(dis, RootWindow(dis, 0), 1, 1, 256, 256, 0, BlackPixel(dis, 0), BlackPixel(dis, 0));

  XSelectInput(dis, win, ExposureMask | KeyPressMask | KeyReleaseMask);

  XMapWindow(dis, win);

  XEvent ev;
  do {
    XNextEvent(dis, &ev);
  } while (ev.type != Expose);

  GC gc;
  gc = XCreateGC(dis, DefaultRootWindow(dis), 0, 0);
  XSetFunction(dis, gc, GXxor);

  while (!(XCheckWindowEvent(dis, win, KeyPressMask, &ev) || XCheckTypedWindowEvent(dis, win, ClientMessage, &ev))) {

    XNextEvent(dis, &ev);

    // quit program as soon as a key is pressed
    if (ev.type == KeyPress && XEventsQueued(dis, QueuedAfterReading)) {
      goto finish;
    // I'd like to quit from this for loop as soon as a key is pressed
    for (int t = 0; t < 150; t++) {

      // quit program as soon as a key is pressed
      if (ev.type == KeyPress && XEventsQueued(dis, QueuedAfterReading)) {
        goto finish;
      } else {
        // draw a red oval and move it from left to right
        XSetForeground(dis, gc, BlackPixel(dis, 0) ^ GetColor("red"));
        XFillArc(dis, win, gc, t * 5 + 10, t * 3 + 40, 80, 40, 0, 360 * 64);
        XSetForeground(dis, gc, BlackPixel(dis, 0) ^ GetColor("red"));
        XFillArc(dis, win, gc, t * 5 + 10, t * 3 + 40, 80, 40, 0, 360 * 64);
        //XSync(dis, True);

  XFreeGC(dis, gc);
  XDestroyWindow(dis, win);

我執行它: gcc draw.c -lX11 &&./a.out


基本上, usleep將掛起程序運行的線程,直到設置的時間間隔結束。 您可以通過向它發送信號(例如SIGKILLSIGQUIT )來中斷它,但這是只能在程序外部而不是在程序內部完成的事情。



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