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在C中創建一個基本的shell。Segmentation fault錯誤信息

[英]Creating a basic shell in C. Segmentation fault error message

我正在嘗試在 c 中創建 aa basic linux shell。由於某種原因,我收到了 Segmentation fault core dumped 錯誤消息。

我嘗試運行 ls 命令並收到錯誤消息。 幫助將不勝感激。

void  execute(char **argv)
     pid_t  pid;
     int status;
     pid = fork();

     if (pid  < 0) {     /* fork a child process           */
          printf("*** ERROR: forking child process failed\n");
     else if (pid == 0) {          /* for the child process:         */
          if (execvp(*argv, argv) < 0) {     /* execute the command  */
               printf("*** ERROR: exec failed\n");
     else {                                  /* for the parent:      */
          while (wait(&status) != pid)       /* wait for completion  */

void  main(void)
     char line[1024];             /* the input line                 */
     char *argv[64];              /* the command line argument      */
     char *tokens[64];
     int numtokens;

     while (1) {                   /* repeat until done ....         */
          printf("Shell -> ");     /*   display a prompt             */
          fgets(line, 64, stdin);              /*   read in the command line     */
         // parse(line, argv);
          if ((tokens[0] = strtok(line, " \n\t")) == NULL) continue;
          numtokens = 1;
          while((tokens[numtokens] = strtok(NULL, " \n\t")) != NULL) numtokens++;

          if (strcmp(argv[0], "exit") == 0)  /* is it an "exit"?     */
               exit(0);            /*   exit if it is                */
          execute(argv);           /* otherwise, execute the command */

您正在使用argv的元素,而沒有在main function 中初始化它們。



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