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使用 Powershell 從遠程服務器獲取磁盤空間信息並添加到陣列

[英]Using Powershell to grab disk space info from remote servers and add to array

我一直在嘗試將一些腳本放在一起,以自動執行我們仍在報告的一些手動任務。 這個我試圖哄騙連接到指定的每個遠程服務器(我可以 AD 鏈接並稍后過濾它),提取磁盤信息,進行基本計算,一些格式化,然后將其粘貼在一個數組中以供稍后提取.

我目前遇到錯誤,指出我正在“嘗試除以 0”,並且我的數組不返回任何數據(我假設是因為上述原因)。必須有一些小東西我丟失了。好吧,希望很小。這是我到達的地方:

#Variable listing servers to check. Can convert to a csv, or direct connection to AD 
   using OU's.
   $ServersToScan = @('x, y, z')

   #Blank Array for Report
   $finalReport = @()

   #Threshold Definition %
   $Critical = 5
   $Warning = 15

#Action for each server
foreach ($i in $ServersToScan)
Enter-PSSession -ComputerName $i

#Fixed Disk Info Gather
$diskObj = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_LogicalDisk | Where-Object { $_.DriveType -eq 3 }

#Iterate each disk information - rewrite as foreach ($x in $diskObj) - rewritten 3/31/22
foreach ($diskObj in $diskObj)
        # Calculate the free space percentage
        $percentFree = [int](($_.FreeSpace / $_.Size) * 100)

        # Determine the "Status"
        if ($percentFree -gt $Warning) {
            $Status = 'Normal'
        elseif ($percentFree -gt $Critical) {
            $Status = 'Warning'
        elseif ($percentFree -le $Critical) {
            $Status = 'Critical'

        # Compose the properties of the object to add to the report
        $tempObj = [ordered]@{
            'Computer Name'    = $i
            'Drive Letter'     = $_.DeviceID
            'Drive Name'       = $_.VolumeName
            'Total Space (GB)' = [int]($_.Size / 1gb)
            'Free Space (GB)'  = [int]($_.FreeSpace / 1gb)
            'Free Space (%)'   = "{0}{1}" -f [int]$percentFree, '%'
            'Status'           = $Status

        # Add the object to the final report
        $finalReport += New-Object psobject -property $tempObj


return $finalReport

任何見解都會很棒 - 非常感謝!

有兩個主要問題,第一個,正如Jeff Zeitlin指出的那樣, 自動變量$_ ( $PSItem )foreach循環中沒有效果,它實際上是$null

[int](($null / $null) * 100)

# => RuntimeException: Attempted to divide by zero.

第二個問題是您使用Enter-PSSession ,它專門用於交互式會話 對於無人參與的腳本,您可以改用Invoke-Command ,但是,在這種情況下,我們還可以依賴Get-CimInstance -ComputerName來查詢遠程計算機(請注意,此操作是並行執行的,不需要循環遍歷$serversToScan數組)。

$ServersToScan = 'x, y, z'

#Threshold Definition %
$Critical = 0.5
$Warning = 0.15

$params = @{
    ClassName    = 'Win32_LogicalDisk'
    Filter       = "DriveType = '3'"
    ComputerName = $ServersToScan

$finalReport = Get-CimInstance @params | ForEach-Object {
    $free = $_.FreeSpace / $_.Size
    $status = switch($free) {
        { $_ -gt $Warning  } { 'Normal'; break }
        { $_ -gt $Critical } { 'Warning'; break }
        Default { 'Critical' }
        'Computer Name'    = $_.PSComputerName
        'Drive Letter'     = $_.DeviceID
        'Drive Name'       = $_.VolumeName
        'Total Space (GB)' = $_.Size / 1Gb
        'Free Space (GB)'  = $_.FreeSpace / 1Gb
        'Free Space (%)'   = $free.ToString('P0')
        'Status'           = $status


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