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與 MSP430F2013(主)的 SPI 連接到 Arduino uno(從)

[英]SPI connection with MSP430F2013(Master) to Arduino uno(SLAVE)

我正在做一個項目,我需要通過 MCU 測量電橋電路(應變計)。 為此,我使用的是帶有 16 位 ADC 的 MSP430F2013 MCu。 我沒有此 MCU 的數據記錄硬件,因此我嘗試將其與 Arduino Uno 連接以記錄測量結果。 我不擅長編程,所以到目前為止,我已經拼湊代碼來配置 MSP430 的 ADC,我看到它通過在 Code Composer Studio 中應用斷點來工作。 我曾嘗試在 MSP430 和 Arduino 中設置 SPI,但不知道哪里出了問題(這是對我的問題的直截了當的解釋:即使我聽起來有點無知/愚蠢)。 如果有人可以在這里指出錯誤,那將有很大幫助。


#include <msp430.h>
    volatile unsigned int i;
    volatile unsigned int s;
int main(void)

  WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD;                 // Stop watchdog timer


  //SMCLK on Pin6 (P1.4) - just for service and testing
  P1DIR |= 0x10;   //P1.4 as output
  P1SEL = 0x10;    //SMCLK to P1.4

  //I/O-Pin preparation
  P1DIR |= BIT0; //set P1.0 to output direction - for using the LED on Pin2
  P1DIR |= BIT7; //set P1.7 to output direction - as signal for data are ready to use

  //SPI settings

  USICTL0 &= ~USISWRST; //USI released for operation
  USICTL1 &= ~USII2C; //switch USI to SPI-Mode
  USICTL0 |= USIMST; //set to SPI-Master-Mode

  USICTL0 |= USIPE6 + USIPE5; //SDO-Port enabled; Pin8
  USICTL0 |= USIPE7; //SDI-Port disabled; Pin9 can be used for normal in/out
  USICTL0 |= USIOE; //activate output (data goes from MSP to Warrior56)
  USICNT |= USI16B; //init load counter for 16-bit-data
  //inactive state is low
  //data is changed on the first SCLK edge and captured on the following edge

  P1DIR |= 0x01;                            // Set P1.0 to output direction
  SD16CTL = SD16REFON + SD16SSEL_1;         // 1.2V ref, SMCLK
  SD16INCTL0 = SD16INCH_1;                  // A1+/-
  SD16CCTL0 =  SD16UNI + SD16IE;            // 256OSR, unipolar, interrupt enable
  SD16AE = SD16AE1;                         // P1.1 A1+, A1- = VSS
  SD16CCTL0 |= SD16SC;                      // Set bit to start conversion

    SD16CCTL0 |= SD16SC;
 s = SD16MEM0;
    for (i = 0xFFFF; i > 0; i--);           // Delay
    USICTL1 |= USIIFG;                 // Set flag and start communication
    USISR = s;

    if (USISRL = s)
      P1OUT |= 0x01;
      P1OUT &= ~0x01;
    __bis_SR_register(LPM0_bits + GIE);

#pragma vector = SD16_VECTOR; // Interrupt service routine for
__interrupt void SD16ISR(void) // conversion

    s = SD16MEM0;


Here is arduino code  as slave
#include <SPI.h>
char buff [50];
volatile byte indx;
volatile boolean process;

void setup (void) {
   Serial.begin (115200);
   pinMode(MOSI, INPUT); // have to send on master in so it set as output
   SPCR |= _BV(SPE); // turn on SPI in slave mode
   indx = 0; // buffer empty
   process = false;
   SPI.attachInterrupt(); // turn on interrupt

ISR (SPI_STC_vect) // SPI interrupt routine 
   byte c = SPDR; // read byte from SPI Data Register
   if (indx < sizeof buff) {
      buff [indx++] = c; // save data in the next index in the array buff
      if (c == '\r') //check for the end of the word
      process = true;

void loop (void) {
   if (process) {
      process = false; //reset the process
      Serial.println (buff); //print the array on serial monitor
      indx= 0; //reset button to zero

我得到了 ADC 的結果,但沒有進一步的結果(我不知道如何測試 usi。

當您使用啟動板時,不要打擾 arduino。 Launchpad 還提供 USB-UART。



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