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class 學生的計算

[英]Calculations in class Student

我創建了兩個類:不同模塊中的 Person 和 Student。 這是我的 class 人:

import datetime

class Person:

    def __init__(self, name, surname, patronymic, birthdate):
        self.name = name
        self.surname = surname
        self.patronymic = patronymic
        self.birthdate = birthdate

    def age(self):#this function calculates age of person
        today = datetime.date.today()
        age = today.year - self.birthdate.year

        if today < datetime.date(today.year, self.birthdate.month, self.birthdate.day):
            age -= 1

        return age

這是我的 class 學生:

from ClassPerson import Person

class Student(Person):
    number_of_group = eval(input("\nInput number of group: "))
    summa = 0
    amount_of_students = 0
    overall_age = 0

    def __init__(self, name, surname, patronymic, birthdate, faculty, group, scholarship):
        Person.__init__(self, name, surname, patronymic, birthdate)
        self.faculty = faculty
        self.group = group
        self.scholarship = scholarship
        if Student.number_of_group == self.group:
            Student.summa += self.scholarship
            Student.overall_age += Student.age(self)
            Student.amount_of_students += 1

        def scholarship(self):
            return self.__scholarship

    def scholarship(self, new_s):
        if new_s < 1300:
            self.__scholarship = 1300
        elif new_s > 4000:
            self.__scholarship = 4000
            self.__scholarship = new_s

我有一個簡單的問題:我需要計算特定組的獎學金總額和該組學生的中年。 我在def __init__中進行計算。 但我也有財產和二傳手,可以根據條件改變獎學金的數額。 例如我們有 3 個學生:

student1 = Student(
    datetime.date(1992, 3, 12),
    "Philosophy faculty",

student2 = Student(
    datetime.date(1998, 4, 29),
    "Historical faculty",

student3 = Student(
    datetime.date(1997, 7, 22),
    "Mathematics faculty",

我想更改 student1 獎學金。 例如:

student1.scholarship = 1500

但是更改沒有保存,因為我在dev __init__中進行了計算。 比如我輸入組號為441。

result = Student.overall_age/Student.amount_of_students
print("Total sum of scholarships: %d" % Student.summa)

獎學金總額為 4300+2700,但由於 setter 4300 將更改為 4000,總額為 6700。但現在我的學生 1 獎學金為 1500,我希望收到結果 1500+2700=4200。 獎學金變更后我該如何進行此類計算? 我應該使用 method 或類似的東西而不是dev __init__中的計算嗎?


由於 setter 需要讀取舊值,因此在初始化內部__scholarship屬性之前我們不能使用它。 所以__init__()方法需要直接賦值給內部屬性,而不是使用self.scholarship的 setter。

from ClassPerson import Person

class Student(Person):
    number_of_group = eval(input("\nInput number of group: "))
    summa = 0
    amount_of_students = 0
    overall_age = 0

    def __init__(self, name, surname, patronymic, birthdate, faculty, group, scholarship):
        Person.__init__(self, name, surname, patronymic, birthdate)
        self.faculty = faculty
        self.group = group
        self.__scholarship = scholarship
        if Student.number_of_group == self.group:
            Student.summa += self.scholarship
            Student.overall_age += Student.age(self)
            Student.amount_of_students += 1

    def scholarship(self):
        return self.__scholarship

    def scholarship(self, new_s):
        old_s = self.__scholarship
        if new_s < 1300:
            self.__scholarship = 1300
        elif new_s > 4000:
            self.__scholarship = 4000
            self.__scholarship = new_s

        # Adjust Student.summa by the change in scholarship
        if self.group == Student.number_of_group:
            Student.summa += self.__scholarship - old_s


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