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在 Javascript 中從 Firestore 獲取 forEach() 之后的數據

[英]Fetching data after forEach() from Firestore in Javascript

我正在構建一個鍛煉 web 應用程序,需要顯示每次鍛煉要完成多少輪以及每輪有多少鍛煉。

由於每次鍛煉的輪數和每輪鍛煉都不同,因此我將它們設置為 forEach。

但我需要知道回合集合的 docID(顯示為“roundID”)才能獲得特定的 collections,子集合以顯示特定的練習。

目前它沒有顯示練習,因為我需要等待第一次提取完成,然后使用我無法做到的那個 docId。



Main forEach 獲得回合

const Rnds = document.getElementById("rnds");

const roundRef = query(collection(db, "user", uid, "yourWorkouts", id, "rounds"));
const unsub = onSnapshot(roundRef, (querySnapshot) => {

     querySnapshot.forEach((doc) => {

          const roundID = doc.id;
          const rounds = doc.data().round;
          const rests = doc.data().rest;

          console.log("Round", roundID);

          Rnds.innerHTML += `
               A list of the amount of exercise docs in "exercise" collection


const exerciseRef = query(collection(db, "user", uid, "yourWorkouts", id, "rounds", roundID, "exercises"));
const exerciseUnsub = onSnapshot(exerciseRef, (querySnapshot) => {

     querySnapshot.forEach((doc) => {

          const reps = doc.data().rep;
          const names = doc.data().exerciseName;

          console.log("Exercises", doc.data());



目前我可以獲取 go 的回合和正確的練習文檔,並顯示在控制台中。 我設法讓回合顯示但無法將練習名稱傳遞給 innerHTML。

// Create Exercise Rounds
const Rnds = document.getElementById("rnds");

const roundRef = query(collection(db, "user", uid, "yourWorkouts", id, "rounds"));
const roundsUnsub = onSnapshot(roundRef, (querySnapshot) => {
     querySnapshot.forEach((doc) => {

          const DocId = doc.id;
          const rounds = doc.data().roundName;
          const rests = "Rest: " + doc.data().rest;

// Calls the `runQuery` async function to get the exercises documents.
          runQuery(DocId).then((result) => {
          // Initialized an object
               const obj = {};
               const names = obj.exerciseNames;
// Assigns the exercises' documents data to its round collection's documents' Id.
               obj[DocId] = result;
// Logs the constructed object.
// Put your `innerhtml` here.
               Rnds.innerHTML += `
               <p>${names}</p>.  // <- unable to get this to show


async function runQuery(documentId) {
     const exerciseRef = query(collection(db, "user", uid, "yourWorkouts", id, "rounds", documentId, "exercises")); 

     const querySnapshot = await getDocs(exerciseRef);

     if (!querySnapshot) {
         return null;
     // Returns a map of data (array).
     return querySnapshot.docs.map((doc) => doc.data());


  1. onSnapshot只監聽你在這行代碼中查詢的所有文檔的變化(即rounds集合中的文檔):
     const roundRef = query(collection(db, "user", uid, "yourWorkouts", id, "rounds"));
  2. 如果練習文檔有變化,那么您將無法從中獲得實時更新。

要從回合集合中獲取實時更新並將練習關聯到回合的文檔,則必須創建一個異步 function,您應該在主 function 上調用它。請參見下面的代碼示例:

const roundRef = query(collection(db, "user", uid, "yourWorkouts", id, "rounds"));
const unsub = onSnapshot(roundRef, (querySnapshot) => {
  querySnapshot.forEach((doc) => {

    const DocId = doc.id;

    // Calls the `runQuery` async function to get the exercises documents.
    runQuery(DocId).then((result) => {
      // Initialized an object
      const obj = {};
      // Assigns the exercises' documents data to its round collection's documents' Id.
      obj[DocId] = result;
      // Logs the constructed object.
      // Put your `innerhtml` here.

async function runQuery(documentId) {
  const exerciseRef = query(collection(db, "user", uid, "yourWorkouts", id, "rounds", documentId, "exercises"));

  const querySnapshot = await getDocs(exerciseRef);
  if (!querySnapshot) {
    return null;
  // Returns a map of data (array).
  return querySnapshot.docs.map((doc) => doc.data());


正如我在上面指出的一些問題,如果你想從你的回合集合中獲得實時更新,可以有一些解決方法。 您必須修改添加、更新或刪除文檔的方式。 首先,您需要向練習集合中添加一個文檔,然后將數據更新或設置到新創建的回合的文檔中。 請參閱下面的示例代碼:

  // Your document ID for rounds collection
  const docId = 'Round 3';
  const exercisesRef = collection(db, 'user', uid, 'yourWorkouts', id, 'rounds', docId, 'exercises');
  const roundsRef = doc(db, 'users', uid, 'yourWorkouts', id, 'rounds', docId);
  // Add a document to the rounds and exercises collection. Sets the data to the exercises document.
  addDoc(exercisesRef, { 
  // Your exercises document data 
  }, { merge: true })
  .then (() => {
    // Method above will create a round document but doesn't have data on it (still an invalid document).
    // We need to set or update the document to make it a valid document to be able for a snapshot to read the newly added document.
    setDoc(roundsRef, { 
    // Your Rounds document data 
    }, { merge: true })
    .catch((error) => {
      console.error("Error writing Rounds document: ", error);
  .catch((error) => {
    console.error("Error writing exercises document: ", error);



根據您呈現數據的方式,您只需將 object 分配給一個變量,該變量又返回undefined 您必須先訪問 object 並使用for循環,因為練習 collections 可以有多個文檔。 請參閱下面的代碼:

// Create Exercise Rounds
const Rnds = document.getElementById("rnds");

const roundRef = query(collection(db, "user", uid, "yourWorkouts", id, "rounds"));
const roundsUnsub = onSnapshot(roundRef, (querySnapshot) => {
     querySnapshot.forEach((doc) => {

          const DocId = doc.id;
          const rounds = doc.data().roundName;
          const rests = "Rest: " + doc.data().rest;

          // Calls the `runQuery` async function to get the exercises documents.
          runQuery(DocId).then((result) => {
               // Initialized an object
               const obj = {};
               // Assigns the exercises' documents data to its round collection's documents' Id.
               obj[DocId] = result;
               // Initialize names array to be used in `innerhtml`
               const names = [];
               // Logs the constructed object.

               // Loops your exerciseNames and push it in the `names` array
               for (const exerciseDocument of obj[DocId]) {

               // Put your `innerhtml` here.
               Rnds.innerHTML += `
               <p>${names}</p>.  // This will now show


async function runQuery(documentId) {
     const exerciseRef = query(collection(db, "user", uid, "yourWorkouts", id, "rounds", documentId, "exercises")); 

     const querySnapshot = await getDocs(exerciseRef);

     if (!querySnapshot) {
         return null;
     // Returns a map of data (array).
     return querySnapshot.docs.map((doc) => doc.data());

要分隔名稱,而不是將名稱推入數組,您需要初始化一個字符串並使用<p>標記迭代 html output 並使用+= (加法賦值運算符)將結果賦給變量。 請參閱下面的代碼:

    runQuery(DocId).then((result) => {
      // Initialized an object
      const obj = {};
      // Assigns the exercises' documents data to its round collection's documents' Id.
      obj[DocId] = result;

       var names = "";
       for (const exerciseDocument of obj[DocId])
         // Make sure that you type the fieldname correctly.
         // Based on your codes given above, you mentioned `exerciseName` and `exerciseNames`
         names +=`<p>${exerciseDocument.exerciseNames}</p>`;

       Rnds.innerHTML +=


查看此工作片段。 它應該是這樣的:

 <.DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <p id="rnds"></p> <script> const Rnds = document;getElementById("rnds"); const DocId = 'Round' const rounds = DocId: // Sample constructed object based on your Firestore Structure const obj = {Round:[{exerciseNames, 'exercise1'}: {exerciseNames; 'exercise2'}]}; const rests = 'testRest'. var names = "" for (const exerciseDocument of obj[DocId]) { names +=`<p>${exerciseDocument;exerciseNames}</p>`. } Rnds.innerHTML += `<h2>${rounds}</h2>. ${names}. <p>${rests}</p>` </script> </body> </html>


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