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Pine Script v5、EMA 雲和警報

[英]Pine Script v5, EMA clouds and alerts

嘗試在這里學習 Pine 腳本來優化我的交易策略。 我有大約 1.5 年的交易經驗。 我使用的趨勢系統是全能的 Ripster Clouds。 它基於多個 EMA 移動,形成雲(如 ichimoku 雲)並發現趨勢反轉。 我將鏈接粘貼下面的代碼。


牛市 = 當 EMA 雲 2 穿過 EMA 雲 3

熊 = 當 EMA 雲 3 在 EMA 雲 3 下方穿過。

我還想要一個它所基於的時間范圍的變量。 我的建議是 3 分鍾、10 分鍾、1 小時、1 天和 1 周。



雲層變化的屏幕截圖。 雲 2 = 5-13 EMA 交叉,雲 3 = 34-50 EMA 交叉

EMA 雲的描述視頻視頻在這里。 視頻在這里



indicator("TwntySQ EMA Clouds - modified version of Ripster47 EMA clouds", shorttitle="TQ", overlay=true)

matype = input.string(title='MA Type', defval='EMA', options=['EMA', 'SMA'])

ma_len1 = input(title='Short EMA1 Length', defval=8)

ma_len2 = input(title='Long EMA1 Length', defval=9)

ma_len3 = input(title='Short EMA2 Length', defval=5)

ma_len4 = input(title='Long EMA2 Length', defval=13)

ma_len5 = input(title='Short EMA3 Length', defval=34)

ma_len6 = input(title='Long EMA3 Length', defval=50)

ma_len7 = input(title='Short EMA4 Length', defval=72)

ma_len8 = input(title='Long EMA4 Length', defval=89)

ma_len9 = input(title='Short EMA5 Length', defval=180)

ma_len10 = input(title='Long EMA5 Length', defval=200)

src = input(title='Source', defval=hl2)

ma_offset = input(title='Offset', defval=0)

//res = input(title="Resolution", type=resolution, defval="240")

f_ma(malen) =>

float result = 0

if matype == 'EMA'

result := ta.ema(src, malen)


if matype == 'SMA'

result := ta.sma(src, malen)



htf_ma1 = f_ma(ma_len1)

htf_ma2 = f_ma(ma_len2)

htf_ma3 = f_ma(ma_len3)

htf_ma4 = f_ma(ma_len4)

htf_ma5 = f_ma(ma_len5)

htf_ma6 = f_ma(ma_len6)

htf_ma7 = f_ma(ma_len7)

htf_ma8 = f_ma(ma_len8)

htf_ma9 = f_ma(ma_len9)

htf_ma10 = f_ma(ma_len10)

//plot(out1, color=green, offset=ma_offset)

//plot(out2, color=red, offset=ma_offset)

//lengthshort = input(8, minval = 1, title = "Short EMA Length")

//lengthlong = input(200, minval = 2, title = "Long EMA Length")

//emacloudleading = input(50, minval = 0, title = "Leading Period For EMA Cloud")

//src = input(hl2, title = "Source")

showlong = input(false, title='Show Long Alerts')

showshort = input(false, title='Show Short Alerts')

showLine = input(false, title='Display EMA Line')

ema1 = input(true, title='Show EMA Cloud-1')

ema2 = input(true, title='Show EMA Cloud-2')

ema3 = input(true, title='Show EMA Cloud-3')

ema4 = input(true, title='Show EMA Cloud-4')

ema5 = input(true, title='Show EMA Cloud-5')

emacloudleading = input.int(0, minval=0, title='Leading Period For EMA Cloud')

mashort1 = htf_ma1

malong1 = htf_ma2

mashort2 = htf_ma3

malong2 = htf_ma4

mashort3 = htf_ma5

malong3 = htf_ma6

mashort4 = htf_ma7

malong4 = htf_ma8

mashort5 = htf_ma9

malong5 = htf_ma10

cloudcolour1 = mashort1 >= malong1 ? #036103 : #880e4f

cloudcolour2 = mashort2 >= malong2 ? #4caf50 : #f44336

cloudcolour3 = mashort3 >= malong3 ? #2196f3 : #ffb74d

cloudcolour4 = mashort4 >= malong4 ? #009688 : #f06292

cloudcolour5 = mashort5 >= malong5 ? #05bed5 : #e65100


mashortcolor1 = mashort1 >= mashort1[1] ? color.olive : color.maroon

mashortcolor2 = mashort2 >= mashort2[1] ? color.olive : color.maroon

mashortcolor3 = mashort3 >= mashort3[1] ? color.olive : color.maroon

mashortcolor4 = mashort4 >= mashort4[1] ? color.olive : color.maroon

mashortcolor5 = mashort5 >= mashort5[1] ? color.olive : color.maroon

mashortline1 = plot(ema1 ? mashort1 : na, color=showLine ? mashortcolor1 : na, linewidth=1, offset=emacloudleading, title='Short Leading EMA1')

mashortline2 = plot(ema2 ? mashort2 : na, color=showLine ? mashortcolor2 : na, linewidth=1, offset=emacloudleading, title='Short Leading EMA2')

mashortline3 = plot(ema3 ? mashort3 : na, color=showLine ? mashortcolor3 : na, linewidth=1, offset=emacloudleading, title='Short Leading EMA3')

mashortline4 = plot(ema4 ? mashort4 : na, color=showLine ? mashortcolor4 : na, linewidth=1, offset=emacloudleading, title='Short Leading EMA4')

mashortline5 = plot(ema5 ? mashort5 : na, color=showLine ? mashortcolor5 : na, linewidth=1, offset=emacloudleading, title='Short Leading EMA5')

malongcolor1 = malong1 >= malong1[1] ? color.green : color.red

malongcolor2 = malong2 >= malong2[1] ? color.green : color.red

malongcolor3 = malong3 >= malong3[1] ? color.green : color.red

malongcolor4 = malong4 >= malong4[1] ? color.green : color.red

malongcolor5 = malong5 >= malong5[1] ? color.green : color.red

malongline1 = plot(ema1 ? malong1 : na, color=showLine ? malongcolor1 : na, linewidth=3, offset=emacloudleading, title='Long Leading EMA1')

malongline2 = plot(ema2 ? malong2 : na, color=showLine ? malongcolor2 : na, linewidth=3, offset=emacloudleading, title='Long Leading EMA2')

malongline3 = plot(ema3 ? malong3 : na, color=showLine ? malongcolor3 : na, linewidth=3, offset=emacloudleading, title='Long Leading EMA3')

malongline4 = plot(ema4 ? malong4 : na, color=showLine ? malongcolor4 : na, linewidth=3, offset=emacloudleading, title='Long Leading EMA4')

malongline5 = plot(ema5 ? malong5 : na, color=showLine ? malongcolor5 : na, linewidth=3, offset=emacloudleading, title='Long Leading EMA5')

fill(mashortline1, malongline1, color=cloudcolour1, title='MA Cloud1', transp=45)

fill(mashortline2, malongline2, color=cloudcolour2, title='MA Cloud2', transp=65)

fill(mashortline3, malongline3, color=cloudcolour3, title='MA Cloud3', transp=70)

fill(mashortline4, malongline4, color=cloudcolour4, title='MA Cloud4', transp=65)

fill(mashortline5, malongline5, color=cloudcolour5, title='MA Cloud5', transp=65)

有幾種方法可以從 TA 的角度計算這些雲的交叉或交叉。

首先是等待整個雲 2 與雲 3 交叉; 這可以通過使用每個雲中較慢的 MA 的交叉來完成。

bull_signal = ta.crossover(htf_ma4, htf_ma6)
bear_signal = ta.crossunder(htf_ma4, htf_ma6)

其次是在雲層開始交叉或下方時立即獲得交叉信號。 在這種情況下,您將在每個雲中使用更快的 MA。

bull_signal = ta.crossover(htf_ma3, htf_ma5)
bear_signal = ta.crossunder(htf_ma3, htf_ma5)


cloud2_avg = math.avg(htf_ma3, htf_ma4)
cloud3_avg = math.avg(htf_ma5, htf_ma6)

bull_signal = ta.crossover(cloud2_avg , cloud3_avg)
bear_signal = ta.crossunder(cloud2_avg, cloud3_avg)



res = timeframe.period


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