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[英]Allow a future to store a pointer to a pinned value in its container


我一直在研究這段代碼,它試圖提供一個可回收的 API 來為 REST 分頁器實現異步 stream。

我經歷了多次迭代並決定將 state 存儲在一個描述過程所處的可枚舉中,這既是因為我覺得它最適合這個目的,也是因為它是值得學習的東西,特別明確關於整個過程。 我不想使用stream! try_stream! 來自async-stream板條箱。

state 從Begin ,並在使用它發出請求后將PaginationDelegate移動到下一個 state 中。 這個 state 是Pending並擁有delegate和從PaginationDelegate::next_page返回的future

next_page方法需要引用&self時出現問題,但self未存儲在存儲在Pending state 中的未來堆棧幀中。

我想保持這種“扁平化”,因為我發現算法更容易理解,但我也想學習如何以最正確的方式創建這種自引用結構。 我知道我可以包裝未來並讓它擁有PaginationDelegate ,實際上這可能是我最終使用的方法。 盡管如此,我還是想知道如何將這兩個值移動到同一個存儲結構中,並讓指針保持活動狀態以供我自己的教育使用。


這里定義了一個PaginationDelegate 此特征旨在通過 function 的任何方法實現和使用,該方法旨在返回 PaginatedStream 或dyn Stream PaginatedStream 它的目的是定義如何發出請求,以及存儲 state 的有限子集(下一頁從 REST 到 API 的偏移量,以及 API 期望的項目總數)。

pub trait PaginationDelegate {
    type Item;
    type Error;

    /// Performs an asynchronous request for the next page and returns either
    /// a vector of the result items or an error.
    async fn next_page(&self) -> Result<Vec<Self::Item>, Self::Error>;

    /// Gets the current offset, which will be the index at the end of the
    /// current/previous page. The value returned from this will be changed by
    /// [`PaginatedStream`] immediately following a successful call to
    /// [`next_page()`], increasing by the number of items returned.
    fn offset(&self) -> usize;

    /// Sets the offset for the next page. The offset is required to be the
    /// index of the last item from the previous page.
    fn set_offset(&mut self, value: usize);

    /// Gets the total count of items that are currently expected from the API.
    /// This may change if the API returns a different number of results on
    /// subsequent pages, and may be less than what the API claims in its
    /// response data if the API has a maximum limit.
    fn total_items(&self) -> Option<usize>;

Stream State

下一段是enum本身,它作為Stream的實現者和迭代器當前 state 的持有者。

請注意,目前Pending變體將delegatefuture分開。 我本可以使用future: Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<(D, Vec<D::Item>), D::Error>>>>delegate保留在Future中,但我不想這樣做,因為我想解決根本問題,而不是掩飾它。 此外, delegate字段是一個Pin<Box<D>>因為我正在試驗,我覺得這是我最接近正確的解決方案。

pub enum PaginatedStream<D: PaginationDelegate> {
    Begin {
        delegate: D,
    Pending {
        delegate: Pin<Box<D>>,
        future: Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Vec<D::Item>, D::Error>>>>,
    Ready {
        delegate: D,
        items: VecDeque<D::Item>,

Stream 實施

最后一部分是Stream的實現。 這是不完整的,原因有二; 我還沒有完成它,最好保持示例簡短。

impl<D: 'static> Stream for PaginatedStream<D>
    D: PaginationDelegate + Unpin,
    D::Item: Unpin,
    // If the state is `Pending` and the future resolves to an `Err`, that error is
    // forwarded only once and the state set to `Closed`. If there is at least one
    // result to return, the `Ok` variant is, of course, used instead.
    type Item = Result<D::Item, D::Error>;

    fn poll_next(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, ctx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Option<Self::Item>> {
        // Avoid using the full namespace to match all variants.
        use PaginatedStream::*;

        // Take ownership of the current state (`self`) and replace it with the
        // `Indeterminate` state until the new state is in fact determined.
        let this = std::mem::replace(&mut *self, Indeterminate);

        match this {
            // This state only occurs at the entry of the state machine. It only holds the
            // `PaginationDelegate` that will be used to update the offset and make new requests.
            Begin { delegate } => {
                // Pin the delegate to the heap to ensure that it doesn't move and that pointers
                // remain valid even after moving the value into the new state.
                let delegate = Box::pin(delegate);

                // Set the current state to `Pending`, after making the next request using the
                // pinned delegate.
                self.set(Pending {
                    future: PaginationDelegate::next_page(delegate.as_ref()),

                // Return the distilled verson of the new state to the callee, indicating that a
                // new request has been made and we are waiting or new data.
            // At some point in the past this stream was polled and made a new request. Now it is
            // time to poll the future returned from that request that was made, and if results are
            // available, unpack them to the `Ready` state and move the delegate. If the future
            // still doesn't have results, set the state back to `Pending` and move the fields back
            // into position.
            Pending { delegate, future } => todo!(),
            // The request has resolved with data in the past, and there are items ready for us to
            // provide the callee. In the event that there are no more items in the `VecDeque`, we
            // will make the next request and construct the state for `Pending` again.
            Ready { delegate, items } => todo!(),
            // Either an error has occurred, or the last item has been yielded already. Nobody
            // should be polling anymore, but to be nice, just tell them that there are no more
            // results with `Poll::Ready(None)`.
            Closed => Poll::Ready(None),
            // The `Indeterminate` state should have only been used internally and reset back to a
            // valid state before yielding the `Poll` to the callee. This branch should never be
            // reached, if it is, that is a panic.
            Indeterminate => unreachable!(),


目前,在Begin分支中,有兩條編譯器消息,其中借用delegate ( delegate.as_ref() ) 並將其傳遞給PaginationDelegate::next_page方法。

第一個是delegate的壽命不夠長,因為固定值被移動到新的 state 變體Pending中,並且不再駐留在分配給它的 position 中。 我不明白為什么編譯器希望它存在於'static中,如果可以解釋一下,我將不勝感激。

error[E0597]: `delegate` does not live long enough
  --> src/lib.rs:90:59
90 |                     future: PaginationDelegate::next_page(delegate.as_ref()),
   |                             ------------------------------^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^-
   |                             |                             |
   |                             |                             borrowed value does not live long enough
   |                             cast requires that `delegate` is borrowed for `'static`
96 |             }
   |             - `delegate` dropped here while still borrowed

我還想聽聽您為struct的字段創建值的任何方法,這些字段依賴於應該移入struct的數據(自引用,整篇文章的主要問題)。 我知道在這里使用MaybeUninit是錯誤的(也是不可能的),因為任何稍后會被刪除的占位符值都會導致未定義的行為。 可能給我一個分配未初始化 memory 結構的方法,然后在構建后用值覆蓋這些字段,而不讓編譯器嘗試釋放未初始化的 memory。

第二個編譯器消息如下,除了將delegate的臨時值移入結構之外,它與第一個類似。 我理解這基本上是上述相同的問題,但只是通過兩種不同的啟發式方法進行了不同的解釋。 我的理解錯了嗎?

error[E0382]: borrow of moved value: `delegate`
  --> src/lib.rs:90:59
84 |                 let delegate = Box::pin(delegate);
   |                     -------- move occurs because `delegate` has type `Pin<Box<D>>`, which does not implement the `Copy` trait
89 |                     delegate,
   |                     -------- value moved here
90 |                     future: PaginationDelegate::next_page(delegate.as_ref()),
   |                                                           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ value borrowed here after move


這是真實的代碼,但我相信它已經是一個 MCVE。


futures-core = "0.3"
async-trait = "0.1"


use std::collections::VecDeque;
use std::pin::Pin;
use std::task::{Context, Poll};

use async_trait::async_trait;
use futures_core::{Future, Stream};



Pending {
    future: Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<(D, Vec<D::Item>), D::Error>>>>,

現在,在 Stream 的實現中,將Begin的匹配Stream更改為以下內容。

// This state only occurs at the entry of the state machine. It only holds the
// `PaginationDelegate` that will be used to update the offset and make new requests.
Begin { delegate } => {
    self.set(Pending {
        // Construct a new future that awaits the result and has a new type for `Output`
        // that contains both the result and the moved delegate.
        // Here the delegate is moved into the future via the `async` block.
        future: Box::pin(async {
            let result = delegate.next_page().await;
            result.map(|items| (delegate, items))

    // Return the distilled verson of the new state to the callee, indicating that a
    // new request has been made and we are waiting or new data.

編譯器知道那個async塊實際上是async move ,如果你願意,你可以更明確。 這有效地將委托移動到被裝箱和固定的未來堆棧幀中,確保無論何時在 memory 中移動值,這兩個值都會一起移動並且指針不會失效。

另一個匹配 arm 的Pending需要更新以反映簽名的變化。 這是邏輯的完整實現。

// At some point in the past this stream was polled and asked the delegate to make a new
// request. Now it is time to poll the future returned from that request that was made,
// and if results are available, unpack them to the `Ready` state and move
// the delegate. If the future still doesn't have results, set the state
// back to `Pending` and move the fields back into position.
Pending { mut future } => match future.as_mut().poll(ctx) {
    // The future from the last request returned successfully with new items,
    // and gave the delegate back.
    Poll::Ready(Ok((mut delegate, items))) => {
        // Tell the delegate the offset for the next page, which is the sum of the old
        // old offset and the number of items that the API sent back.
        delegate.set_offset(delegate.offset() + items.len());
        // Construct a new `VecDeque` so that the items can be popped from the front.
        // This should be more efficient than reversing the `Vec`, and less confusing.
        let mut items = VecDeque::from(items);
        // Get the first item out so that it can be yielded. The event that there are no
        // more items should have been handled by the `Ready` branch, so it should be
        // safe to unwrap.
        let popped = items.pop_front().unwrap();

        // Set the new state to `Ready` with the delegate and the items.
        self.set(Ready { delegate, items });

    // The future from the last request returned with an error.
    Poll::Ready(Err(error)) => {
        // Set the state to `Closed` so that any future polls will return
        // `Poll::Ready(None)`. The callee can even match against this if needed.

        // Forward the error to whoever polled. This will only happen once because the
        // error is moved, and the state set to `Closed`.
    // The future from the last request is still pending.
    Poll::Pending => {
        // Because the state is currently `Indeterminate` it must be set back to what it
        // was. This will move the future back into the state.
        self.set(Pending { future });

        // Tell the callee that we are still waiting for a response.


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