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Javascript - 將新的 object 添加到對象數組中

[英]Javascript - Add new object into array of objects

請。 我有一個未婚夫余額的周期。 它是一個對象數組,例如:

export const balances = [
type: types.outgoing,
    date: 20220410,
    amount: 282.12,
    category: categories.installments,
    source: 'Debit account',
    destination: 'Leasing company',
    type: types.income,
    date: 20220413,
    amount: 1385.3,
    category: categories.job,
    source: 'My employeer',
    destination: 'Debit account',


正如您所看到的,我在那里有一個類別,這意味着我在循環中有balances中的每筆交易,我必須為每個交易創建單獨的類別,每個類別的總金額,類別中的項目計數以及每個類別的詳細交易. 我正在使用array.forEach()循環:

balances.forEach((balance) => {

  // Checking if category already exists in my array of categories
  let categoryIndex = categories.findIndex((category) => category.category === balance.category)

  // Create details of transaction
  let transactionDetail = {
    date: balance.date,
    amount: balance.amount,
    source: balance.source,
    destination: balance.destination,

  // If category already exists, just calculate total and add new object into array details
  if (categoryIndex !== -1) {
    categories[categoryIndex] = {
      type: balance.type,
      category: balance.category,
      amount: categories[categoryIndex].amount + balance.amount,
      count: (categories[categoryIndex].count += 1),

      // This row is wrong. I cannot use this
      details: [categories[categoryIndex].details].push(transactionDetail),
  } else {
    // If category doesn't yet exists, we must create a first values in this category
      type: balance.type,
      category: balance.category,
      amount: balance.amount,
      count: 1,
      details: [transactionDetail],


details: [categories[categoryIndex].details].push(transactionDetail)

不能正常工作。 可能的原因是,我有時 Object 作為tyopeof結果,有時undefined

console.log([categories[categoryIndex].details])有時 output:

// Output for
// console.log([categories[categoryIndex].details])
[Array(1)]0: Array(1)
0: {date: 20220414, amount: 410, source: 'xxx', destination: 'yyy'}
length: 1[[Prototype]]: 
Array(0)length: 1
[[Prototype]]: Array(0)

0: 2
length: 1
[[Prototype]]: Array(0)

任何 hiths 如何將 object transactionDetail添加為現有數組中的下一個? 非常感謝您的任何建議。

我不明白。 如果類別已經存在,我可以連接字符串,添加數字,但我不能將下一個 object 添加到對象數組中。


我在您的后一個塊中發現了幾個錯誤並已更正; 讓我解釋一下我所做的更改。

  1. 在您標記為錯誤的行中,您出於某種原因將值放在括號中。 Categories.details大概是一個TransactionDetail的數組,所以你不需要在這里進一步嵌套它。 但是,如果您推入一個數組,它會返回數組中對象的數量,因此當您在該行中執行此操作時,最終將始終用一個數字填充details 相反,在我的版本中,我將您通過索引提取的現有類別拆分為existing類別,並將該值簡單地推送到其details數組。 這也只是清理了您條件的上半部分,因為只需要引用現有 object 中的屬性即可以更簡潔的方式與新值匹配。

  2. 您使用1(categories[categoryIndex].count += 1)來增加計數。 但是,您也在此處精確設置了 object,因此這不是一個好的做法。 相反,設置您打算在此處使用的值並將其作為一件事全部提交到categories數組,而不是此處設置的某些值不匹配,有些設置不同。 我將其更正為僅僅是existing.count + 1


balances.forEach((balance) => {

  // Checking if category already exists in my array of categories
  let categoryIndex = categories.findIndex(category => category.category === balance.category);

  // Create details of transaction
  let transactionDetail = {
    date: balance.date,
    amount: balance.amount,
    source: balance.source,
    destination: balance.destination,

  // If category already exists, just calculate total and add new object into array details
  if (categoryIndex !== -1) {
    const existing = categories[categoryIndex];

    categories[categoryIndex] = {
      type: balance.type,
      category: balance.category,
      amount: existing.amount + balance.amount,
      count: existing.count + 1,
      details: existing.details
  } else {
    // If category doesn't yet exists, we must create a first values in this category
      type: balance.type,
      category: balance.category,
      amount: balance.amount,
      count: 1,
      details: [transactionDetail],


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