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vue3 composition api和vuex一起使用時,怎么把state變的function分開?

[英]When using Vue3 composition api and vuex together, how can I separate the function that changes state?

<!-- SelectColor.vue -->
<script setup>
import { defineProps } from "vue";
import { useStore } from "vuex";
import { storeData } from "./common";

let { resultColor } = storeData();
const props = defineProps({
  selectType: String,
const store = useStore();
const changeSelect = (e) => {
  store.commit("resultColor/updateResultColor", {
    type: props.selectType,
    value: e.target.value,
const selectedOption = (type) => {
  return props.selectType == type;

我分離代碼以獲取商店的 state,如下所示,並將其放在不同的文件中。

import { computed, reactive, toRefs } from "vue";
import { useStore } from "vuex";

const storeData = () => {
  const store = useStore();
  let state = reactive({
    count: computed(() => store.state.count.count),
    resultColor: computed(() => store.state.resultColor.resultColor),
    resultList: computed(() => store.state.count.result),
  return toRefs(state);

export { storeData };


const store = useStore();
const changeSelect = (e) => {
  store.commit("resultColor/updateResultColor", {
    type: props.selectType,
    value: e.target.value,

我不想重復使用 useStore。 有針對這個的解決方法嗎?

可組合use函數應該直接在setup function 中使用,或者在<script setup>的情況下,在標簽的頂層。 其他地方的使用依賴function實現,需要確認。


import { useStore } from "vuex";

const store = useStore();


import store from '...';

在這種情況下,這可能是 XY 問題,因為如果storeData需要不斷地重新構建,這意味着存儲設計不正確。 state包含的 Reactive object 可能是商店內部的吸氣劑,因為它只涉及最新的商店數據。


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