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對文本輸入使用去抖動的 React 組件執行集成測試(使用 React 測試庫)

[英]Perform an integration test on a react component where the text input uses debounce (using react testing library)

我正在嘗試測試一個包含結果列表的反應組件,以及用戶可以輸入以過濾結果的文本輸入。 100 毫秒的去抖動用於在用戶鍵入時延遲過濾器。 去抖導致當前測試中斷:

test('typing ', async () => {
        render(<PunkApi />);
        await userEvent.type(textInput, 'nothing should show');
        // * There is a delay here that I need to accommodate for
        // Get table component and check that there are 0 results:
        const table = await screen.findByRole('table');
        const [tableHeader, tableBody] = within(table).getAllByRole('rowgroup');
        expect(tableBody).toBeEmptyDOMElement(); // Error: received 15 results.

我可以通過包含 setTimeout/promise 來讓測試工作:

function delay(time: number): Promise<void> {
    return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, time));
// insert this line in the above test at the * location:
await act(() => delay(600)); 

所以我知道問題與我的測試/代碼的異步問題有關。 我知道處理這個問題的正確方法是jest.useFakeTimers()而不是我捏造的 setTimeout/promise 解決方案。 但是當我嘗試實現時,我什至在更改測試之前就收到錯誤消息:

beforeAll(() => {

afterEach(() => {

只要我包含jest.useFakeTimers(); 行,我在運行測試時收到此錯誤:

thrown: "Exceeded timeout of 5000 ms for a test.

Use jest.setTimeout(newTimeout) to increase the timeout value, if this is a long-running test."


感謝 Afsanefda 將我指向testing-library.com/docs/dom-testing-library/api-async/#waitfor async 文檔。

test('typing ', async () => {
        render(<PunkApi />);
        const buzzRow = await screen.findByText(/buzz/i); // ADDED THIS LINE: Initially there is a result with the word 'buzz' in it.
        await userEvent.type(textInput, 'nothing should show');
        // * There is a delay here that I need to accommodate for
        // INSERT FOLLOWING LINE (waitForElementToBeRemoved, as per documentation):
        await waitForElementToBeRemoved(emptyResultsMessage)
        // Get table component and check that there are 0 results:
        const table = await screen.findByRole('table');
        const [tableHeader, tableBody] = within(table).getAllByRole('rowgroup');
        expect(tableBody).toBeEmptyDOMElement(); // THIS NOW PASSES CORRECTLY


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