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[英]Function returns undefined nodejs

在這里,我正在創建一個具有屬性 1 的數組,然后我嘗試僅過濾具有最高數字的結果,然后在調用函數時將其輸出,但它返回未定義。 我試圖找出我在這里做錯了什么。 謝謝

function calcDifference() {
      "entries": 1
    }) // select entries with "entries":1
    .toArray(function(err, res_spr) { // create an array of found elements 
      let pop = res_spr.pop(); // delete last element of the array
      let storeArraySpr = []; // new array to store property "number"
      for (let i = 0; i < res_spr.length; i++) {

      var resultSpr = Math.max(...storeArraySpr); // select highest entry
      return resultSpr.toFixed(8); // meant to output the result when calling the function

console.log(calcDifference()); // returns undefined



function calcDifference(){

      return table.find({"entries":1}) // select entries with "entries":1

        .toArray(function(err, res_spr) { // create an array of found elements 
              let pop = res_spr.pop(); // delete last element of the array

              let storeArraySpr = []; // new array to store property "number"

              for (let i = 0; i < res_spr.length; i++) { 



              var resultSpr = Math.max(...storeArraySpr); // select highest entry

              return resultSpr.toFixed(8); // meant to output the result when calling the function


如果toArray沒有在該回調函數中返回值。 您可以分配一個值並返回它。


function calcDifference(){
      let result;
      table.find({"entries":1}) // select entries with "entries":1

        .toArray(function(err, res_spr) { // create an array of found elements 
              let pop = res_spr.pop(); // delete last element of the array

              let storeArraySpr = []; // new array to store property "number"

              for (let i = 0; i < res_spr.length; i++) { 



              var resultSpr = Math.max(...storeArraySpr); // select highest entry

              result = resultSpr.toFixed(8); // meant to output the result when calling the function

     return result; //return the final result from the callback function



async function calcDifference(){
      return await table.find({"entries":1}) // select entries with "entries":1

        .toArray(function(err, res_spr) { // create an array of found elements 
              let pop = res_spr.pop(); // delete last element of the array

              let storeArraySpr = []; // new array to store property "number"

              for (let i = 0; i < res_spr.length; i++) { 



              var resultSpr = Math.max(...storeArraySpr); // select highest entry

              return resultSpr

    console.log(await calcDifference()); 


async function calcDifference(){
         let result;
         await table.find({"entries":1}) // select entries with "entries":1

        .toArray(function(err, res_spr) { // create an array of found elements 
              let pop = res_spr.pop(); // delete last element of the array

              let storeArraySpr = []; // new array to store property "number"

              for (let i = 0; i < res_spr.length; i++) { 



              var resultSpr = Math.max(...storeArraySpr); // select highest entry

              result = resultSpr
        return result

    console.log(await calcDifference()); 

您的主要問題是calcDifference()沒有返回值。 要解決這個問題,您首先需要更改調用toArray()的方式。 就像巴曼在評論中指出的那樣:

當使用回調函數調用toArray()時,它不會返回任何內容。 mongodb.github.io/node-mongodb-native/4.5/classes/…Barmar

當您查看文檔時,您會發現如果您傳遞回調函數,它確實會返回一個承諾。 首先,我們將calcDifference更改為async function 然后我們await table.find({ "entries": 1 }).toArray()而不是傳遞回調。 之后你就可以做你的其他事情了。

請注意,異步函數總是返回一個 Promise,因此要使用返回值,您必須await該值,或者如果您不在異步上下文中,則使用then()構造。

async function calcDifference() {
  const res_spr = await table.find({ "entries": 1 }).toArray(); // select entries with "entries":1
  let pop = res_spr.pop(); // delete last element of the array
  let storeArraySpr = []; // new array to store property "number"
  for (let i = 0; i < res_spr.length; i++) {

  var resultSpr = Math.max(...storeArraySpr); // select highest entry
  return resultSpr.toFixed(8); // meant to output the result when calling the function

// when in async context
console.log(await calcDifference());

// when not in async context

// or if you need to execute multiple statements
calcDifference().then((result) => {
  // other stuff


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