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Google Guice ProvisionException:無法提供。 沒有實現被綁定

[英]Google Guice ProvisionException: Unable to provision. No implementation was bound

DI 和 guice 的新手..

我想使用一個服務 (StoreLevelClient) 這是一個由其他團隊定義的 class。

我將這個 class 注入到我的主文件中,如下所示:

class ClientAccessor {
    companion object {
        private val LOGGER = KotlinLogging.logger { }

    private val myStoreLevelClient: StoreLevelClient =

並為 StoreLevelClient 制作了一個模塊文件,如下所示:

class ServiceModule : AbstractModule() {

    fun getClient(myServiceClient : KasServiceClient): StoreLevelClient {
        return StoreLevelClient(myServiceClient, AppConfigObject.trackedDocument, AppConfigObject.appConfigFallback)

它給了我錯誤: Caused by: com.google.inject.ProvisionException: Unable to provision, see the following errors: 3 2022-05-20T18:27:50.800-07:00 1) No implementation for com.kasservice.KasServiceClient 是邊界。 4 2022-05-20T18:27:50.800-07:00 定位 com.kasservice.KasServiceClient 5 2022-05-20T18:27:50.800-07:00 為 com.myservice.dependency.getClientModule 的第一個參數

KasServiceClient 也來自其他人所以我也在 ServiceModule 中 @Provides 它:

fun getService(
    cloudAuthCredentialVisitor: CloudAuthDefaultCredentialsVisitor,
    metricsAwareCallVisitor: MetricsAwareCallVisitor,
    retryStrategy: RetryStrategy<*>
): KasServiceClient {
    val domain = AppConfig.findString(DOMAIN)
    val realm = AppConfig.getRealm().name()
    val qualifier = "$domain.$realm"
    return ClientBuilder()
            .withCallVisitors(cloudAuthCredentialVisitor, metricsAwareCallVisitor, CallAttachmentVisitor(Calls.retry(retryStrategy)))


Could not find a suitable constructor in com.amazon.coral.client.cloudauth.CloudAuthDefaultCredentialsVisitor. Classes must have either one (and only one) constructor annotated with @Inject or a zero-argument constructor that is not private.
Could not find a suitable constructor in com.amazon.metrics.declarative.client.MetricsAwareCallVisitor. Classes must have either one (and only one) constructor annotated with @Inject or a zero-argument constructor that is not private.

CloudAuthDefaultCredentialsVisitor 和 MetricsAwareCallVisitor 已使用 @Provides 並已實例化。 所以我不知道為什么 guice 找不到它們...??

有什么想法嗎?? 我想知道我在使用 Guice 時有什么錯誤。 但是我很難調試和找到



class ClientAccessor {
    companion object {
        private val LOGGER = KotlinLogging.logger { }

 private val myStoreLevelClient: StoreLevelClient =


class ClientAccessor @Inject constructor(private val myStoreLevelClient: StoreLevelClient){
    companion object {
        private val LOGGER = KotlinLogging.logger { }


使用 @Inject 而不是在特定模塊上手動使用 createInjector,讓 guice 為我們注入它。 當我嘗試在我的代碼中直接使用 createInjector 進行實例化時,它只會查找指定的模塊而無法加載其他模塊。


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