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在 Next.js 應用程序中使用 Prisma 播種和 Heroku Postgresql 數據庫超時獲取新連接

[英]Seeding using Prisma in Next.js app with a Heroku Postgresql db Timed out fetching a new connection

我嘗試了幾種方法來使用我擁有的 js 文件為我的數據庫播種。


    export const scheduleData: {
      homeTeam: number;
      awayTeam: number;
      homeTeamConf: number;
      awayTeamConf: number;
      scheduleDate: string;
      week: number;
      leagueId: string;
    }[] = [
        homeTeam: 51,
        awayTeam: 210,
        homeTeamConf: 4,
        awayTeamConf: 17,
        scheduleDate: "2022-12-10T20:00Z",
        week: 15,
        leagueId: "4",
        homeTeam: 335,
        awayTeam: 342,
        homeTeamConf: 27,
        awayTeamConf: 27,
        scheduleDate: "2022-10-12T23:30Z",
        week: 7,
        leagueId: "4",
      //... and so on for hundreds of objects to be inserted in the db as rows

這是我正在運行的seed.ts 文件和查詢:

    import { PrismaClient } from "@prisma/client";
    import { scheduleData } from "./scheduleData";
    const prisma = new PrismaClient();
    const seedSchedule = async () => {
      await Promise.all(
        scheduleData.map(async (game) => {
          return prisma.game.create({
            data: {
              homeTeam: {
                connect: { id: game.homeTeam },
              awayTeam: {
                connect: { id: game.awayTeam },
              scheduleDate: new Date(game.scheduleDate),
              league: {
                connect: { id: 4 },
              week: game.week,
              conferences: {
                connect: [{ id: game.homeTeamConf }, { id: game.awayTeamConf }],
      .catch((e) => {
      .finally(async () => {
        await prisma.$disconnect();

這適用於前 60 條記錄,然后我總是收到一條消息:

    Timed out fetching a new connection from the connection pool. More info: http://pris.ly/d/connection-pool (Current connection pool timeout: 10, connection limit: 17)
        at Object.request (./@prisma/client/runtime/index.js:45405:15)
        at async PrismaClient._request (./@prisma/client/runtime/index.js:46301:18)
        at async Promise.all (index 84) {
      code: 'P2024',
      clientVersion: '3.14.0',
      meta: { connection_limit: 17, timeout: 10 }



據我了解 prisma 的文檔,每個查詢( create / delete / createMany等)都是在單獨的連接上執行的(對於您的場景,有 17 個可用連接)。 當它們排隊並且某些查詢花費的時間超過timeout秒時,隊列中的所有查詢最終都會超時。

prisma 文檔中有一些關於如何優化連接池以便查詢的有用技巧 特別是對於播種,您可以禁用池超時以允許 prisma 處理隊列中的所有查詢而不會超時。

但是,我強烈建議使用createMany一次創建數百條記錄。 但有時這是不可能的(比如您試圖一次將游戲記錄連接到多個會議記錄)。


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