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[英]Working with key-value pairs in two dictionaries (Python)


score={"hello": 5, "goodbye": 1, "how are you": 7}
word_count = {"hello": 1, "goodbye": 1, "how are you": 3}


text=input("Enter your text here: ")
text_list = text.split(" ")

而且,如果鍵在輸入中,我想打印該值。 我該怎么做(在 for 循環中使用 for 循環會打印兩次)? 我的輸出如下所示:

for sentence, rating in score:
   for sent, rate in word_count:
       number = int(rating) / (int(rate) - len(text_list))

如果字典的長度相同,則可以循環查找一個 dic

score      = {"hello": 5, "goodbye": 1, "how are you": 7}
word_count = {"hello": 1, "goodbye": 1, "how are you": 3}

text       = input("Enter your text here: ")
if text in score:
  score[text] # do whatever with it
  word_count[text] # do whatever with it

假設 score 和 word_count 中的鍵相同。


score      = {"hello": 5, "goodbye": 1, "how are you": 7}
word_count = {"hello": 1, "goodbye": 1, "how are you": 3}
input_text = input("Enter your text here: ")

size = len(input_text.split(" "))
for key in score:
    if key in input_text:
        rating = score[key]
        rate  = word_count[key]
        print(f'{key:<12} : {rating / rate - size:.2f}')

輸入 :
hello how are you I am fine goodbye

輸出 :

hello        : -3.00  # 5 / 1 - 8
goodbye      : -7.00  # 1 / 1 - 8
how are you  : -5.67  # 7 / 3 - 8


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