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TypeScript:將 function 參數值限制為動態變量中數組的值

[英]TypeScript: Restrict function parameter value to values of array within dynamic variable

我有一個返回 function 的簡單反應鈎子。我希望這個 function 只接受傳遞給鈎子的數組中的值。


type Options<P> = {
  pathname: string;
  rootPath: string;
  paths: P;

export const useLayoutPaths = <P extends string[]>(options: Options<P>) => {
  const { pathname, rootPath, paths } = options;

  if (paths.length === 0) {
    throw new Error("paths must be a non-empty array.");

  const currentPath = pathname.substring(pathname.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
  const value = paths.includes(currentPath) ? currentPath : paths[0];

  const getPath = (name: typeof paths[number]): string =>

  return { value, getPath };

我希望 getPath function 只允許存在於“路徑”變量中的值。


const { value, getPath } = useLayoutPaths({
  rootPath: `/department/${orgId}`,
  paths: ["trends", "comments"],

console.log(getPath("trends")) <-- Only allow "trends" or "comments"

您希望編譯器跟蹤作為paths屬性傳入的字符串的文字類型 不幸的是,對於像P extends string[]這樣的通用約束,這並沒有發生。 增加編譯器將"foo"視為"foo"類型而不是string類型的可能性的一種方法是將泛型類型參數限制string 所以P extends string會更好用。 我們可以讓P成為paths元素的類型而不是paths本身,如下所示:

export const useLayoutPaths = <P extends string>(options: Options<P[]>) => {
   // impl

這將按需要工作,但編譯器不喜歡讓您在P的數組中查找string 有關詳細信息,請參閱此問答 處理這個問題的最簡單方法是在使用includes()之前將pathsP[]擴展到readonly string[]

export const useLayoutPaths = <P extends string>(options: Options<P[]>) => {
  const { pathname, rootPath, paths } = options;

  if (paths.length === 0) {
    throw new Error("paths must be a non-empty array.");

  const currentPath = pathname.substring(pathname.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
  const value = (paths as readonly string[]).includes(currentPath) ? currentPath : paths[0];

  const getPath = (name: typeof paths[number]): string =>

  return { value, getPath };


console.log(getPath("trends")) // okay
getPath("oops"); // error!



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