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是的,材料 UI 中的自動完成驗證

[英]Yup Validation For AutoComplete in Material UI

如果兩個字段中的任何一個為真,我應該需要一個自動完成功能。 我的問題是,當我單擊提交時,它輸出An unhandled error was caught during validation in <Formik validationSchema /> TypeError: You cannot concat() schema's of different types: string and object

  category: string().when(['new', 'exist'], {
    is: false,
    then: object({
      id: string(),
      name: string(),
      .required('field is required'),
  new: bool().nullable(),
  exist: bool().nullable(),

如果我正確閱讀了錯誤消息,那么您在category:之后的string()似乎應該替換為object() ,即:

  category: object().when(['new', 'exist'], {
    is: false,
    then: object({
      id: string(),
      name: string(),
      .required('field is required'),
  new: bool().nullable(),
  exist: bool().nullable(),


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