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Typescript 元素隱式具有“任何”類型,因為“數字”類型的表達式不能用於索引

[英]Typescript Element implicitly has an 'any' type because expression of type 'number' can't be used to index

我的工作環境是 Nuxt.js Vue 使用一些打字稿。


我參考了 Objects reservations[i] 中的 _id。我從 _id 得到了結果

methods: {
async tripdone() {
  try {
    const legnth = this.myObject.length;
    for (let i = 0; i < legnth; i++) {
      const status = this.myObject[i].status;

      const tripDate = this.myObject[i].date;
      const today = new Date();

      var year = today.getFullYear();
      var month = ("0" + (today.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2);
      var day = ("0" + today.getDate()).slice(-2);

      var todayString = year + "-" + month + "-" + day;

      if (tripDate < todayString && status === "confirmed") {
        const id = this.myObject[i]._id;
        const payload = {
          status: "tripOver",

        this.$axios.put(`/api/myObject/${id}`, payload);
        const message = id;
        const type = "success";
        this.$message({ message, type });
  } catch (e) {
    const message = "error";
    const type = "error";
    this.$message({ message, type });

Vetur 在當前語法中的錯誤如下:

(property) reservations: ObjectConstructor

元素隱含地具有“任何”類型,因為“數字”類型的表達式不能用於索引類型“對象構造器”。 在“ObjectConstructor”類型上找不到帶有“number”類型參數的索引簽名。Vetur(7053)



常量狀態 = this.myObject[i].status; // 細繩

常量 tripDate = this.myObject[i].date; // 細繩

常量 id = this.myObject[i]._id; // 數字

在dev build中,產生了ERROR,但是計算了結果,得到了想要的結果在pm2啟動時,

ERROR in index/myObject/index.vue:360:26
TS7053: Element implicitly has an 'any' type because expression of type 'number' can't be used to index type 'ObjectConstructor'.
  No index signature with a parameter of type 'number' was found on type 'ObjectConstructor'.
    358 |         const legnth = this.myObject.length
    359 |         for (let i = 0; i < legnth;  i++) {
  > 360 |           const status = this.myObject[i].status
        |                          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    361 |             // const legnth = this.myObject.length
    362 |             //  for (let t = 0; t < legnth; t++) {
    363 |           const tripDate = this.myObject[i].date

ERROR in index/myObject/index.vue:363:28
TS7053: Element implicitly has an 'any' type because expression of type 'number' can't be used to index type 'ObjectConstructor'.
  No index signature with a parameter of type 'number' was found on type 'ObjectConstructor'.
    361 |             // const legnth = this.myObject.length
    362 |             //  for (let t = 0; t < legnth; t++) {
  > 363 |           const tripDate = this.myObject[i].date
        |                            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    364 |           const today = new Date()
    365 |
    366 |           var year = today.getFullYear();

ERROR in index/myObject/index.vue:377:24
TS7053: Element implicitly has an 'any' type because expression of type 'number' can't be used to index type 'ObjectConstructor'.
  No index signature with a parameter of type 'number' was found on type 'ObjectConstructor'.
    375 |               // return tripDate < todayString
    376 |           if ( tripDate < todayString && status ==='confirmed') {
  > 377 |             const id = this.myObject[i]._id
        |                        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    378 |             const payload = {
    379 |               status: "tripOver"
    380 |             }


在下面添加 myOject 定義

data () {
    myObject: Object 

謝謝回復 bill.gates

(this.myobject as YourType)[i]._id;

這種形式完美地工作相反,我把any類型。 它按我的意願運作

(this.myobject as any)[i]._id;



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