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[英]Maximizing the number of Tasks so that starting time of the first Task is always the Earliest


關於貪婪的想法,我正在以不同的方式處理這個問題。 我想從最早的開始時間開始,然后才讓貪心算法來確定最佳解決方案(即從最早的開始時間開始的非重疊對)。




import java.io.*;
import java.lang.*;
import java.util.*;
class GFG {
  // Pair class
  static class Pair {
    int first;
    int second;
    Pair(int first, int second)
      this.first = first;
      this.second = second;
  static void SelectActivities(int s[], int f[])
    // Vector to store results.
    ArrayList<Pair> ans = new ArrayList<>();
    // Minimum Priority Queue to sort activities in
    // ascending order of finishing time (f[i]).
    PriorityQueue<Pair> p = new PriorityQueue<>(
      (p1, p2) -> p1.first - p2.first);
    for (int i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
      // Pushing elements in priority queue where the
      // key is f[i]
      p.add(new Pair(f[i], s[i]));
    Pair it = p.poll();
    int start = it.second;
    int end = it.first;
    ans.add(new Pair(start, end));
    while (!p.isEmpty()) {
      Pair itr = p.poll();
      if (itr.second >= end) {
        start = itr.second;
        end = itr.first;
        ans.add(new Pair(start, end));
      "Following Activities should be selected. \n");
    for (Pair itr : ans) {
        "Activity started at: " + itr.first
        + " and ends at  " + itr.second);
  // Driver Code
  public static void main(String[] args)
    int s[] = { 1, 3, 0, 5, 8, 5 };
    int f[] = { 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 9 };
    // Function call
    SelectActivities(s, f);

當前 output:

Following Activities should be selected. 

Activity started at: 1 and ends at  2
Activity started at: 3 and ends at  4
Activity started at: 5 and ends at  7
Activity started at: 8 and ends at  9

所需的 output:

Following Activities should be selected. 

Activity started at: 0 and ends at  6
Activity started at: 8 and ends at  9

它不是已經選擇了最早的開始時間嗎? 因為那是貪婪的概念。 您將獲得最高賞金/獎勵的最早可用任務。

為了始終從最早的任務開始,然后選擇 rest 任務,以使已完成任務的數量最大,首先我們需要確定最早的任務,然后應用貪心方法最大化總任務數任務。


  • 解析給定的 arrays 對並創建任務隊列。

  • 找到最早的任務並將其從隊列中刪除。

  • 應用貪心算法來查找 rest 任務。

  • 打印任務列表。

為了簡潔表示一個任務,我使用 Java 16 條記錄(你可以用一個類代替)。


public record Task(int start, int finish) {}

public static void selectActivities(int[] start, int[] finish) {
    if (start.length == 0 || start.length != finish.length) {
        return; // throw an exception
    Queue<Task> tasks = createTasks(start, finish);
    Task earliest = pickEarliest(tasks);
    List<Task> fulfilledTasks = getFulfilledTasks(tasks, earliest);

public static Queue<Task> createTasks(int[] start, int[] finish) {
    Queue<Task> tasks = new PriorityQueue<>(Comparator.comparingInt(Task::finish));
    for (int i = 0; i < start.length; i++) {
        tasks.add(new Task(start[i], finish[i]));
    return tasks;

public static Task pickEarliest(Queue<Task> tasks) {
    Task earliest = null;
    for (Task task: tasks) {
        if (earliest == null || task.start() < earliest.start()) {
            earliest = task;
    return earliest;

public static List<Task> getFulfilledTasks(Queue<Task> tasks, Task earliest) {
    List<Task> result = new ArrayList<>();
    Task current = earliest;
    while (!tasks.isEmpty()) {
        Task next = tasks.remove();
        if (next.start() >= current.finish()) {
            current = next;
    return result;

public static void printFulfilledTasks(List<Task> tasks) {
    selectActivities(new int[]{ 1, 3, 0, 5, 8, 5 }, new int[]{ 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 9 });


Activity has started at: 0 and ended at 6
Activity has started at: 8 and ended at 9


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