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Prisma 使用關系和 where 子句更新數據

[英]Prisma update data with relation and where-clause

我想更新與其他表相關的數據,但我並沒有真正找到解決方案。 我在 NodeJS 應用程序中使用 Prisma。 我在 URL 中給出了 id (Number(req.params.id))。



generator client {
  provider = "prisma-client-js"

datasource db {
  provider = "mysql"
  url      = env("DATABASE_URL")

model apprentice {
  apId          Int         @id @default(autoincrement())
  geId          Int         @db.TinyInt
  apFirstname   String      @db.VarChar(50)
  apLastname    String      @db.VarChar(50)
  apBirthdate   DateTime?   @db.Date
  apPhoneNumber String      @db.VarChar(12)
  gender        gender      @relation(fields: [geId], references: [geId], onDelete: NoAction, onUpdate: NoAction, map: "fk_apprentice_gender1")
  execution     execution[]

  @@index([geId], map: "fk_apprentice_gender1_idx")

model execution {
  exId       Int        @id @default(autoincrement())
  reId       Int        @db.TinyInt
  apId       Int
  exDate     DateTime   @db.DateTime(0)
  exMessage  String     @db.VarChar(8000)
  apprentice apprentice @relation(fields: [apId], references: [apId], onDelete: Cascade, onUpdate: NoAction, map: "execution_ibfk_1")
  region     region     @relation(fields: [reId], references: [reId], onDelete: NoAction, onUpdate: NoAction, map: "fk_execution_region1")

  @@index([apId], map: "execution_ibfk_1")
  @@index([reId], map: "fk_execution_region1_idx")

model gender {
  geId       Int          @id @db.TinyInt
  gender     String       @db.VarChar(6)
  apprentice apprentice[]

model message {
  meId      Int    @id @default(autoincrement()) @db.TinyInt
  reId      Int    @db.TinyInt
  meMessage String @db.VarChar(8000)
  region    region @relation(fields: [reId], references: [reId], onDelete: NoAction, onUpdate: NoAction, map: "fk_message_region1")

  @@index([reId], map: "fk_message_region1_idx")

model region {
  reId      Int         @id @db.TinyInt
  reOrt     String      @db.VarChar(50)
  execution execution[]
  message   message[]

server.js (NodeJS) 中的請求:

app.put("/api/apprentice/:id", async (req, res) => {
  const updatedApprentice = await prisma.apprentice.update({
    where: {
      apId: Number(req.params.id)
    data: {
      gender: {
        update: {
          geId: req.body.apprentice.gender,
      apFirstname: req.body.apprentice.firstName,
      apLastname: req.body.apprentice.lastName,
      apBirthdate: new Date(req.body.apprentice.birthdate),
      apPhoneNumber: req.body.apprentice.phoneNumber,
      execution: {
        update: {
          exDate: req.body.execution.datetime,
          exMessage: req.body.execution.message,
          reId: req.body.region


    "execution": {
        "datetime": "2022-06-12 10:30:00",
        "message": "test for 3 und Person name1 name2 am 2022-06-14 um 07:00:00"
    "apprentice": {
        "firstName": "name1",
        "lastName": "name2",
        "birthdate": "2005-06-29",
        "gender": 2,
        "phoneNumber": "+41111111111"
    "region": 1

MySQL 架構在此處輸入圖像描述


const latestExId = (
  await prisma.execution.findFirst({
    where: {
      apId: Number(req.params.id),
    orderBy: { exDate: "desc" },
    select: { exId: true },
if (!latestExId) {
  throw new Error("This apprentice has no executions ongoing");

const updatedApprentice = await prisma.apprentice.update({
  where: {
    apId: Number(req.params.id),
  data: {
    geId: req.body.apprentice.gender,
    apFirstname: req.body.apprentice.firstName,
    apLastname: req.body.apprentice.lastName,
    apBirthdate: new Date(req.body.apprentice.birthdate),
    apPhoneNumber: req.body.apprentice.phoneNumber,
    execution: {
      update: {
        data: {
          exDate: req.body.execution.datetime,
          exMessage: req.body.execution.message,
          reId: req.body.region,
        where: {
          exId: latestExId,


在我看來,您還打算更新學徒的geId字段,而不是更新性別表的geId 請注意,您可以使用枚舉或簡單的字符串字段作為學徒的性別值,而不是使用特定的性別表。


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