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在 TypeScript 中對繼承的成員進行空檢查?

[英]Null-check for inherited member in TypeScript?

abstract class Base { protected id: number | null = null; init(id: number) { this.id = id; } isIdSet(_ = this.id): _ is null | never { if (this.id === null) throw new Error(ERROR_NO_ID); else return false; } } class Foo extends Base { private fetch(id: number) { ... } get(): Observable<string> { if (this.isIdSet()) { return this.fetch(this.id); // TS2322: Type 'number | null' is not assignable to type 'number'. } } }


abstract class Base {
  protected id: number | null = null;

  init(id: number) {
    this.id = id;

  isIdSet(_ = this.id): asserts _ is number {
    if (this.id === null) throw new Error("ERROR_NO_ID");

class Foo extends Base {
  private fetch(id: number) {}
  get() {
    return this.fetch(this.id);    


The idea was to put he null-check and throw into a function to get rid of duplicate if statements

您可以在基類中使用自定義 getter 執行此操作,該 getter 檢查是否定義了this.m_id並拋出錯誤,本質上是在訪問id之前強制調用init方法。

class Base {
    private m_id: number | null = null;

    protected get id(): number {
        if(this.m_id === null){
            throw new Error(`Id is not defined`);
        return this.m_id;

    public init(a_id: number): void {
        this.m_id = a_id;

class Foo extends Base {
    private fetch(a_id: number): string {
        return a_id.toString();

    public get(): string {
        return this.fetch(this.id);



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