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如何在 Python 中獲得一個分組條形圖,其中一個條是堆疊的,而其他條不是?

[英]How to get a grouped bar plot in Python in which one of the bar is stacked and the others are not?

我有一個熊貓數據框df ,如下所示:

World   Coal    Oil and natural gas Nuclear Renewables  Storage Electricity networks
2015    79.6    79.8    28.4    309.9   1.6 316.8
2016    70.9    83.2    33.7    318.3   2.5 327.9
2017    65.8    77.2    36.9    325.9   3.1 318.6
2018    64.7    64.5    34.0    359.0   4.7 310.3
2019    62.2    67.4    34.8    393.2   4.6 291.8
2020    56.4    55.3    39.5    418.4   6.2 291.6
2021    51.6    67.0    43.7    445.8   9.4 308.1
2022    48.2    70.8    49.3    471.7   18.3    318.2


{'Coal': {2015: 79.6,
  2016: 70.9,
  2017: 65.8,
  2018: 64.7,
  2019: 62.2,
  2020: 56.4,
  2021: 51.6,
  2022: 48.2},
 'Oil and natural gas': {2015: 79.8,
  2016: 83.2,
  2017: 77.2,
  2018: 64.5,
  2019: 67.4,
  2020: 55.3,
  2021: 67.0,
  2022: 70.8},
 'Nuclear': {2015: 28.4,
  2016: 33.7,
  2017: 36.9,
  2018: 34.0,
  2019: 34.8,
  2020: 39.5,
  2021: 43.7,
  2022: 49.3},
 'Renewables': {2015: 309.9,
  2016: 318.3,
  2017: 325.9,
  2018: 359.0,
  2019: 393.2,
  2020: 418.4,
  2021: 445.8,
  2022: 471.7},
 'Storage': {2015: 1.6,
  2016: 2.5,
  2017: 3.1,
  2018: 4.7,
  2019: 4.6,
  2020: 6.2,
  2021: 9.4,
  2022: 18.3},
 'Electricity networks': {2015: 316.8,
  2016: 327.9,
  2017: 318.6,
  2018: 310.3,
  2019: 291.8,
  2020: 291.6,
  2021: 308.1,
  2022: 318.2}}


colors = ["black","gray","red","green","blue","yellow"]
df.plot(kind = "bar", stacked = True, color = colors)

堆積條形圖如下所示: 在此處輸入圖像描述

但是,我想為發電、存儲和電力網絡設置三個單獨的欄。 這里的發電是指煤炭、石油和天然氣、核能和可再生能源的數據。 我如何在 Python 中使用 matplotlib 來做到這一點?


ax = df.iloc[:,:4].plot.bar(stacked=True, align='edge', width=-.2, color=colors[:4])
df.iloc[:,4:].plot.bar(ax=ax, align='edge', width=.4, color=colors[4:])

handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
labels = [f'Generation ({l})' if i < 4 else l for i,l in enumerate(labels)]
ax.legend(handles, labels, bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1))



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