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加載另外 3 個項目 [JS]

[英]load 3 more items [JS]

我試圖理解這些基本定義功能的 JS 代碼字符串,一旦單擊按鈕,頁面上就會加載 3 個其他元素(如果有的話)。


boxes[i].style.display = 'inline-block'; 


 let loadMoreBtn = document.querySelector('.packages .load-more .btn'); //seleziono il primo elem con questa classe let currentItem = 3; // # offerte caricate dopo il click loadMoreBtn.onclick = () =>{ let boxes = [...document.querySelectorAll('.packages .box-container .box')]; //salvo in boxes tutti gli elem che hanno questa classe for (var i = currentItem; i < currentItem + 3; i++){ boxes[i].style.display = 'inline-block'; }; currentItem += 3; if(currentItem >= boxes.length){ loadMoreBtn.style.display = 'none'; }

您提供的行是使用 javascript 修改元素的 CSS 屬性。 如果您對不同的顯示選項感興趣,請查看CSS 顯示語法

所以基本上你的代碼片段做了什么:當你點擊加載更多按鈕時,它會在列表中的接下來的 3 個框上設置display: inline-block 如果沒有更多的框,加載更多按鈕將被隱藏( display: none

首先要注意的是,您在for-loop中運行代碼,該循環用於逐個迭代元素。 boxes[i]是循環中該點被引用的元素。

'element.style.display' 部分正在設置該元素的CSS 屬性 在這種情況下,它將display屬性設置為'inline-block' ,這將使元素並排顯示(可能與'block'相對,這會使新元素顯示在block下方'編輯項目)。


// Grab the clickable button.
let loadMoreBtn = document.querySelector('.packages .load-more .btn');

// We start counting from the third item. I guess we're assuming some items
// are already visible?
let currentItem = 3;

// This function is called when the button is clicked.
loadMoreBtn.onclick = () => {
  // This find all elements that match the classes 'packages', 'box-container', and 'box'
  const allElements = document.querySelectorAll('.packages .box-container .box');

  // This is using a spread operator to place our elements inside an array.
  let boxes = [ ...allElements ];

  // Loop through all the items we matched using querySelectorAll above. We
  // start counting at whatever `currentItem` is. The loop will keep running
  // until `i` is 3 less than `currentItem` (or not loop at all if that
  // condition is already met).
  for (let i = currentItem; i < currentItem + 3; i++) {
    // Display the element.
    boxes[i].style.display = 'inline-block';

  currentItem += 3;
  if (currentItem >= boxes.length) {
    // Hide the button if there are no more elements to loop through.
    loadMoreBtn.style.display = 'none';
// [...]

它基本上將該元素的display屬性設置為inline-block 這可以使用 CSS(通過設置display: inline-block; )或使用 JavaScript 通過將element.style.display屬性設置為inline-block來完成。


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