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JWT 令牌過期 PHP Laravel

[英]JWT Token Expired PHP Laravel

我們擁有三個平台:PHP 后端、android 和 iOS 應用程序。 iOS 用戶在使用該應用幾天后無法與后端通信。

調試后我發現問題是 JWT 拋出的 401,令牌過期。


URL : https://xx.xx.xxx/api/v1/xx
header : Accept: application/json
parameters : ["userId": xx, "countryId": 0, "deviceType": 1, "pageNo": 1, "token": “xxx”, "deviceToken": “xx”, "shuffleId": "", "action": 1, "buzcategory": "", "keyWord": "", "socialMediaId": "", "totalCount": 100, "productType": "", "businessName": "", "cityId": 0]


Response : {
  "error" : "Token is Expired",
  "status" : 401

我想知道將JWT_TTLJWT_REFRESH_TTL null 是否可以解決jwt.php中的問題,例如:

'refresh_ttl' => env ('JWT_REFRESH_TTL', Null),
'ttl' => env ('JWT_TTL', NULL),
 'required_claims' => [
        // 'exp',


如果服務器響應為“令牌已過期”,我建議在應用程序端實現“刷新令牌機制”:如果攻擊者可以訪問無限 jwt 令牌,他可以使用 API 功能,即使安全漏洞將在下一個應用程序中修復版本。


| JWT time to live
| Specify the length of time (in minutes) that the token will be valid for.
| Defaults to 1 hour.
| You can also set this to null, to yield a never expiring token.
| Some people may want this behaviour for e.g. a mobile app.
| This is not particularly recommended, so make sure you have appropriate
| systems in place to revoke the token if necessary.

'ttl' => env('JWT_TTL', 60),


| Refresh time to live
| Specify the length of time (in minutes) that the token can be refreshed
| within. I.E. The user can refresh their token within a 2 week window of
| the original token being created until they must re-authenticate.
| Defaults to 2 weeks.
| You can also set this to null, to yield an infinite refresh time.
| Some may want this instead of never expiring tokens for e.g. a mobile app.
| This is not particularly recommended, so make sure you have appropriate
| systems in place to revoke the token if necessary.

'refresh_ttl' => env('JWT_REFRESH_TTL', 20160),


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