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Python - KeyError:'dpi'

[英]Python - KeyError: 'dpi'

我有一個 python 腳本,它列出了目錄中照片的元數據。 它可以工作,但不能完全正常工作。 當它運行時,我可以從 ~250 個文件中獲取數據,然后出現錯誤


  File "c:\Users\edward\OneDrive - ISC Industries\Summer Intern 2022\Scripts\metadata.py", line 22, in <module>
"Image DPI": image.info['dpi'],
KeyError: 'dpi'

我不確定為什么會這樣,因為它適用於某些文件,但有超過 17000 個文件,所以我希望打印所有數據。


import json
from PIL import Image
from PIL.ExifTags import TAGS
import os
import os.path
import PIL
from pandas import json_normalize

PIL.Image.MAX_IMAGE_PIXELS = 384000000
rootdir = r"C:\Users\edward\OneDrive\Pics"

newfile = newfile = open('meta.txt', 'w')
newfile.write("Filename                                     |  Image DPI                    | Image Height                  |   Image Width                 |   Image Format                |   Image Mode                  |   Image Frames                |\n")
for file in os.listdir(rootdir):
    # read the image data using PIL
    image = Image.open(os.path.join(rootdir, file))

# extract other basic metadata
info_dict = {
    "Filename": image.filename,
    "Image DPI": image.info['dpi'],
    "Image Height": image.height,
    "Image Width": image.width,
    "Image Format": image.format,
    "Image Mode": image.mode,
    "Frames in Image": getattr(image, "n_frames", 1)

line = ""
for label, value in info_dict.items():
    line += f"|{str(value):<30} "  
line += " |"  
newfile.write(line + '\n')



for file in os.listdir(rootdir):
    # read the image data using PIL
    image = Image.open(os.path.join(rootdir,file))

    # extract other basic metadata
    info_dict = {
        "Filename": os.path.basename(image.filename),
        "Image DPI": image.info['dpi'],
        "Image Height": image.height,
        "Image Width": image.width,
        "Image Format": image.format,
        "Image Mode": image.mode,
        "Frames in Image": getattr(image, "n_frames", 1)

    line = ""
    for label, value in info_dict.items():
        line += f"|{str(value):<30} "  
    line += " |"  
    newfile.write(line + '\n')
    # read the image data using PIL
    image = Image.open(os.path.join(rootdir,file))

    # extract other basic metadata
    info_dict = {
        "Filename": os.path.basename(image.filename),
        "Image Height": image.height,
        "Image Width": image.width,
        "Image Format": image.format,
        "Image Mode": image.mode,
        "Frames in Image": getattr(image, "n_frames", 1)

    line = ""
    for label, value in info_dict.items():
        line += f"|{str(value):<30} "  
    line += " |"  
    newfile.write(line + '\n')


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