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[英]typescript: validate function argument based on callback return type


interface Row {
    a: number
export function extender<
  Data extends Row[],
  T extends object,
  Props extends keyof T
  >(data: Data, extend: (row: Row) => T, newProp?: Props): (T & Row)[] {
      return data.map(row => ({


extender([{ a: 1 }, { a: 2 }], () => ({ once: 1, more: 2 }), 'once')

但是,一旦我嘗試在extend回調中使用row參數,我就會得到一個錯誤Argument of type '"once"' is not assignable to parameter of type 'undefined'.

// TS_ERROR: Argument of type '"once"' is not assignable to parameter of type 'undefined'.
extender([{ a: 1 }, { a: 2 }], (row) => ({ once: 1, more: row.a * 2 }), 'once')



在您的示例中, Tobject (實際上代表所有 non-primitives )的約束。 “任何普通對象”的類型可以表示為Record<PropertyKey, any> (它使用類型實用程序Record<Keys, Type> )。 PropertyKeystring | number | symbol string | number | symbol string | number | symbol ,所以這種類型的意思是“任何具有字符串、數字和/或符號鍵的對象,這些屬性的值可以是任何類型”。



如果輸入數組的成員不完全Row類型(相反,它們擴展了它),則函數的當前返回類型會丟失一些類型信息,並且它不承認T可以覆蓋類型的概念在map操作中對象合並過程中的屬性a 映射類型可以幫助您保留此類類型信息,甚至可以保留諸如具有明確定義的元素數量(元組)的輸入數組的長度之類的內容。 考慮以下示例:


type PlainObject = Record<PropertyKey, any>;
type Mutable<T extends PlainObject> = { -readonly [K in keyof T]: T[K] };

type ExtendedTuple<A extends readonly PlainObject[], T extends PlainObject> = {
  -readonly [Index in keyof A]: Mutable<Omit<A[Index], keyof T>> & Mutable<T>;

type Row = { a: number };

export function extender <
  Data extends readonly Row[],
  T extends PlainObject,
  Prop extends keyof T,
>(data: Data, extend: (row: Data[number]) => T, newProp?: Prop): ExtendedTuple<Data, T> {
  return data.map(row => ({ ...row, ...extend(row) })) as unknown as ExtendedTuple<Data, T>;

const extended1 = extender(
  [{ a: 1 }, { a: 2 }],
  () => ({ once: 1, more: 2 }),
); // Record<'a' | 'more' | 'once', number>[]

const extended2 = extender(
  [{ a: 1 }, { a: 2 }],
  (row) => ({ once: 1, more: row.a * 2 }),
); // Record<'a' | 'more' | 'once', number>[]

const [
  e2o0, // Record<'a' | 'more' | 'once', number> | undefined
  e2o1, // Record<'a' | 'more' | 'once', number> | undefined
  e2o2, // Record<'a' | 'more' | 'once', number> | undefined
  e2o3, // Record<'a' | 'more' | 'once', number> | undefined
  e2o4, // Record<'a' | 'more' | 'once', number> | undefined
  // etc...
] = extended2;

// Tuple correctness:

const extended3 = extender(
  [{ a: 1, b: 1 }, { a: 2, b: 2 }, { a: 3, b: 3 }] as [Record<'a' | 'b', number>, Record<'a' | 'b', number>, Record<'a' | 'b', number>],
  (row) => ({ a: 'hi', once: 1, more: row.a * 2 }),
); /* [
  { a: string } & Record<'b' | 'more' | 'once', number>,
  { a: string } & Record<'b' | 'more' | 'once', number>,
  { a: string } & Record<'b' | 'more' | 'once', number>,
] */

// Note the values at the tuple indexes are not potentially undefined:
const [
  e3o0, // { a: string } & Record<'b' | 'more' | 'once', number>
  e3o1, // { a: string } & Record<'b' | 'more' | 'once', number>
  e3o2, // { a: string } & Record<'b' | 'more' | 'once', number>
  e3o3, /* This error is expected
  Tuple type '[...]' of length '3' has no element at index '3'.(2493) */
] = extended3;


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