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如何發送包含多個對象的 Rest 模板請求正文

[英]How to I send a Rest Template Request Body with multiple objects in it


    "request": {
        "header": {
            "correlationId": "Test",
            "appId": "12345"
        "payload": {
            "leadId": "12345",
            "applicationNo": "",
            "proposalNo": "P123",
            "policyNo": "100",
            "issuanceDt": "01-06-2022",
            "docName": "ABCD.pdf",
            "docType": "Proposal Form"


我已經為請求創建了模型,header 和具有相應字段的有效負載。

如何使用 rest 模板發送這個?

For Header, you just need to add parameters in the headers of HTTP request, Payload is what you are looking for, You can define a DTO class having the same JSON structure which will then be automatically deserialized and mapped to your DTO class.

public class Payload{
public String leadId;
public String applicationNo;
public String proposalNo;
public String policyNo;
public String issuanceDt;
public String docName;
public String docType;


創建一個新的 HttpEntity,用 headers 和 body 填充它,然后使用像這樣的 RestTemplate 進行交換。 有效載荷 - 是一個包含有效載荷的 class,我假設您有一個構建器(實際上,您可以只使用 map)

final HttpHeaders httpHeaders = new HttpHeaders();
httpHeaders.add("correlationId", "value");
httpHeaders.add("appId", "value");
HttpEntity<Payload> httpEntity = new HttpEntity<>(Payload.builder()
//bulider population goes here
final RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
restTemplate.exchange(uri, HttpMethod.POST,httpEntity);
JSONObject header_payload_object=new JSONObject();
    header_payload_object.put("payload",payload);//payload here is object of Payload Model
    header_payload_object.put("header",header);//header here is object of Header Model

    JSONObject request_object=new JSONObject();
    request_object.put("request",header_payload_object);//final request json body

    RestTemplate restTemplate=new RestTemplate();

    HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
    headers.add("password","dummyPassword");// Assuming you are just adding username and password to headers seperately and not basic auth

    HttpEntity<JSONObject> request = new HttpEntity<JSONObject>(request_object, headers);
    ResponseEntity<String> response = restTemplate.exchange(url,HttpMethod.POST,request,String.class);


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