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渲染阻塞 fonts

[英]Render-blocking fonts

出於某種原因,正在從我的 Wordpress 網站上的 Google Fonts 下載大量 fonts 列表(暫存站點已鏈接) ,並且 Google PageSpeed Insights 將其識別為資源

The thing is I would basically just need the Poppins 300, 500, 600 on Italics and Regular, so I had embedded the fonts as Google states, linking to them on the header of the site, but I deleted that link and realized that the fonts仍在工作,所以我假設 Wordpress 主題必須對此負責。

我的問題是,我怎樣才能減少 fonts 的數量,以便只下載真正需要的,從而最大限度地減少那些渲染阻塞資源?


If you are able to install a plugin you can select which fonts you use (including the font-weight) by this lightweight plugin and it will also combine - minimize the rest of the fonts so you will have less DNS requests for a faster web page .


通過僅選擇您需要的 fonts 重新生成嵌入鏈接: https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Poppins?selection.family=Caveat


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