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[英]Perl: How to run more than 1 command inside open while opening a filehandle into commands

如何在open中運行超過 1 個命令?

我在下面有一個代碼。 在這里,我在 open 中運行make $i ,但現在我想在這里運行多個命令,比如make $i; sleep 30; echo abc make $i; sleep 30; echo abc make $i; sleep 30; echo abc 我怎樣才能做到這一點?

foreach $i (@testCases) {
   my $filehandle;
   if ( ! (my $pid = open( $filehandle, "make $i 2>&1 |" ) )) {
       die( "Failed to start process: $!" );
   else {
       print "Test started\n";


if (!($pid = open( my $pipe, "make $i; sleep 30; echo abc |" ))) " {
  print "Problem in openeing a filehandle\n";
} else {
     print "$pid is pid\n";
     my $detailedPs=`tasklist | grep "$pid"`;
     chomp ($detailedPs);
     print "$detailedPs is detailedPs\n";

在這里,我得到 $detailedPs 為空。 如果事情能正常運行,我會在 $detailedPs 中得到一些東西

open( my $pipe, "make $i; sleep 30; echo abc |" )
   or die( "Can't launch shell: $!\n" );

my $stdout = join "", <$pipe>;  # Or whatever.

close( $pipe )
   or die( "A problem occurred running the command.\n" );


open( my $pipe, "-|", "make $i; sleep 30; echo abc" )

縮寫:(非 Windows)

open( my $pipe, "-|", "/bin/sh", "-c", "make $i; sleep 30; echo abc" )

但請注意,您有一個代碼注入錯誤 固定的:

open( my $pipe, "-|", "/bin/sh", "-c", 'make "$1"; sleep 30; echo abc', "dummy", $i )

使用 IPC::運行:

use IPC::Run qw( run );

   [ "/bin/sh", "-c", 'make "$1"; sleep 30; echo abc', "dummy", $i ],
   '>', \my $stdout  # Or whatever.
   or die( "A problem occurred running the command.\n" );

但是你最好避免使用 shell。

use IPC::Run qw( run );

   [ 'make', $i ],
   '|', [ 'sleep', '30' ],
   '|', [ 'echo', 'abc' ],
   '>', \my $stdout
   or die( "A problem occurred running the command.\n" );


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