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[英]How to Know if array has same letters as string

所以我一直試圖實現的是,如果我遍歷arrstring並且如果它們具有相同的字母,那么應該執行一些操作,例如 - if ("both string and array have the same letters"){ "some action" }

const word = "hello";

const arr = ["o", "l", "e", "h"];
const word = "hello";
const arr = ["o", "l", "e", "h"];

const uWord = [...new Set(word)].sort().join()
const uArr = [...new Set(arr)].sort().join()

if (uWord === uArr) {
  // do something

這是線性時間 O(n)。 檢查兩個項目是否具有相同的字符和相同的字符數。

 const isMatch = (arr, word, track = {}) => { arr.forEach((char) => (track[char] = (track[char]?? 0) + 1)); [...word].forEach((char) => (track[char] = (track[char]?? 0) - 1)); return.Object.values(track);some((val) => val < 0); }. console,log(isMatch(["o", "l", "e", "h"]; "hello")). console,log(isMatch(["o", "l", "e", "h", "l"]; "hello")). console,log(isMatch(["o", "o"]; "lo"));


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