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[英]Segmentation fault in Linked List code, deletion part

我正在嘗試對鏈表中的插入和刪除進行編碼。 這是我在單鏈表中基本插入和刪除節點的代碼。 代碼沒有錯誤,但是終端上的output顯示segmentation fault。 有人可以解釋為什么我會遇到分段錯誤嗎? 我做了什么改變來消除故障。 我相信分段錯誤在刪除部分。 請幫忙。

// class is a type of user defined datatype
class Node {
    int data;
    Node* next;

    Node(int data) {
        this -> data = data;
        this -> next = NULL;

    // destructor
    ~Node() {
        int value = this -> data;
        //memory free krr rhe hain
        if(this -> next != NULL){
            delete next;
            this -> next = NULL;
        cout << "memory is free for node with data" << value << endl;


void insertAtHead(Node* &head, int data) {

    // creating new node called temp of type Node 
    Node* temp = new Node(data);
    temp -> next = head;
    head = temp;

void insertAtTail(Node* &head, Node* &tail, int data) {
    // //New node create
    // Node* temp = new Node(data);
    // tail -> next = temp;
    // tail = temp;

    Node* temp = new Node(data);
    if (head == nullptr) { // If this is the first node of the list
        head = temp;
    } else { // Only when there is already a tail node
        tail -> next = temp;
    tail = temp;

void insertAtPosition(Node* &tail, Node* &head, int position, int data) {

    // Insert at starting
    if(position == 1) {
        insertAtHead(head, data);

    // Code for inserting in middle
    Node* temp = head;
    int cnt = 1;

    while(cnt < position-1) {
        temp = temp -> next;

    // Creating a node for data
    Node* nodeToInsert = new Node(data);
    nodeToInsert -> next = temp -> next;
    temp -> next = nodeToInsert;

    // Inserting at last position (tail) 
    if(temp -> next == NULL) {
        insertAtTail(head,tail, data);

void deleteNode(int position, Node* &head) {
    //deleting first or starting node
    if(position == 1) {
        Node* temp = head;
        head = head -> next;
        //memory free start node
        temp -> next = NULL;
        delete temp;

    } else {
        // deleting any middle node
        Node* curr = head;
        Node* prev = NULL;

        int cnt = 1;
        while(cnt <= position) {
            prev = curr;
            curr = curr -> next;

        prev -> next = curr -> next;
        curr -> next = NULL;
        delete curr;

void print(Node* &head) {

    Node* temp = head;
    while(temp != NULL) {
        cout << temp -> data << " ";
        temp = temp -> next;
    cout << endl;

int main() {

    Node* head = nullptr; // A list has a head
    Node* tail = head; //  a tail.

    insertAtHead(head, 10); // pass the head
    insertAtTail(head, tail, 20);
    insertAtTail(head, tail, 30);
    insertAtHead(head, 5);
    print(head);  // Print the whole list

    cout << "head" << head -> data << endl;
    cout << "tail" << tail -> data << endl;

    deleteNode(1, head);

問題不在於刪除 function,因為即使將其注釋掉也會導致分段錯誤。

問題是您正在初始化 tail = head ,它在開始時設置為 nullptr 。 但是,當您 insertAtHead 時,您設置了 head 的值,但將 tail 保留為 nullptr。 添加第一個節點時需要tail = head(當head == nullptr時)。


// Online C++ compiler to run C++ program online
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

// class is a type of user defined datatype
class Node {
    int data;
    Node* next;

    Node(int data) {
        this -> data = data;
        this -> next = NULL;

    // destructor
    ~Node() {
        int value = this -> data;
        //memory free krr rhe hain
        if(this -> next != NULL){
            delete next;
            this -> next = NULL;
        cout << "memory is free for node with data" << value << endl;


void insertAtHead(Node* &head,Node* &tail, int data) {

    // creating new node called temp of type Node 
    Node* temp = new Node(data);
    temp -> next = head;
    if (head == nullptr)
        tail = temp; //inializing tail
    head = temp;

void insertAtTail(Node* &head, Node* &tail, int data) {
    // //New node create
    // Node* temp = new Node(data);
    // tail -> next = temp;
    // tail = temp;

    Node* temp = new Node(data);
    if (head == nullptr) { // If this is the first node of the list
        head = temp;
    } else { // Only when there is already a tail node
        tail -> next = temp;
    tail = temp;

void insertAtPosition(Node* &tail, Node* &head, int position, int data) {

    // Insert at starting
    if(position == 1) {
        insertAtHead(head,tail, data);

    // Code for inserting in middle
    Node* temp = head;
    int cnt = 1;

    while(cnt < position-1) {
        temp = temp -> next;

    // Creating a node for data
    Node* nodeToInsert = new Node(data);
    nodeToInsert -> next = temp -> next;
    temp -> next = nodeToInsert;

    // Inserting at last position (tail) 
    if(temp -> next == NULL) {
        insertAtTail(head,tail, data);

void deleteNode(int position, Node* &head) {
    //deleting first or starting node
    if(position == 1) {
        Node* temp = head;
        head = head -> next;
        //memory free start node
        temp -> next = NULL;
        delete temp;

    } else {
        // deleting any middle node
        Node* curr = head;
        Node* prev = NULL;

        int cnt = 1;
        while(cnt <= position) {
            prev = curr;
            curr = curr -> next;

        prev -> next = curr -> next;
        curr -> next = NULL;
        delete curr;

void print(Node* &head) {

    Node* temp = head;
    while(temp != NULL) {
        cout << temp -> data << " ";
        temp = temp -> next;
    cout << endl;

int main() {

    Node* head = nullptr; // A list has a head
    Node* tail = head; //  a tail.

    insertAtHead(head,tail, 10); // pass the head
    insertAtTail(head, tail, 20);
    insertAtTail(head, tail, 30);
    insertAtHead(head,tail, 5);
    print(head);  // Print the whole list

    cout << "head" << head -> data << endl;
    cout << "tail" << tail -> data << endl;

    deleteNode(1, head);

段錯誤實際上在 function insertAtTail()中,這是因為,當您處理head是 null 指針的情況時,您沒有處理有head節點但沒有tail節點的情況。 下面的代碼修復了這個問題:

void insertAtTail(Node* &head, Node* &tail, int data) {
    // //New node create
    Node* temp = new Node(data);
    if (head == nullptr) { // If this is the first node of the list
        head = temp;
    } else if (tail == nullptr) { // if there's a head but no tail
        head -> next = temp;
    } else {               // Only when there is already a tail node
        tail -> next = temp;
    tail = temp;


int main() 
    Node* head = nullptr; // A list has a head
    Node* tail = head; //  a tail.

    insertAtHead(head, 10); // pass the head
    insertAtTail(head, tail, 20);

    return 0;

當您將 tail 傳遞給insertAtTail(head, tail, 20); tail是一個 nullptr;

然后在insertAtTail中,您將訪問這個 nullptr:

void insertAtTail(Node* &head, Node* &tail, int data) {
    // //New node create
    // Node* temp = new Node(data);
    // tail -> next = temp;
    // tail = temp;

    Node* temp = new Node(data);
    if (head == nullptr) { 
        head = temp;
    } else { 
        // here you have nullptr access resulting in your segmentation fault
        tail -> next = temp;
    tail = temp;


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